‘Tonight a Soldier Dies’ a poem by Steve Skinner
Poem by Troy, Ohio historian and author, Steve Skinner. “Tonight a Solider Dies” honors fallen soldiers.
— Read on bravotroyohio.com/tonight-a-soldier-dies-a-poem-by-steve-skinner-p2949-202.htm
Trending stories – Flipboard for 29 May
Viral and interesting stories you need to know about.. See more stories about WhatsApp, Videos, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.
— Read on flipboard.com/@thenewsdesk/trending-qu3iff3sz
Honoring the AAPI community
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Mark Kelly – United States Senator
Dear Mr. Hamster, Thank you for taking the time to contact my office. It is an honor to continue my service to our country and represent Arizona in the United States Senate, and I appreciate your willingness to share your thoughts with me. Please know that your correspondence has been received, and my team and I will work to respond to your policy questions in greater detail. Due to the high volume of correspondence that we receive, our response times may vary. If you require assistance dealing with a federal agency, please email casework@kelly.senate.gov or call my office at 602-671-7901. My casework team will be happy to provide further assistance. Thank you again for contacting me.
Sincerely, |