While most people have no idea these patents exist…
I’ve connected the shocking dots…
And if I’m right…
These three patents could help President Trump and Elon Musk completely revolutionize a $23 Trillion market…
And dramatically change everyday life for you and all 334 Million Americans… FOREVER.
This revolution is about so much more than just self-driving cars.
Instead, what Elon’s pivoting Tesla towards…
Is a market that’s 1,000X BIGGER.
But a project THIS big can’t stay under the radar for long…
Click here to discover Elon and Trump’s NEW “Project America” before it becomes the biggest story on Wall Street.
-Tim Bohen
P.S. After calling Tesla at $37, anyone who listened had the chance to make ELEVEN TIMES their money. But mark my words, this new opportunity is so much bigger, it’s almost hard to believe