Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Trump: Cut Oil Price; NATO Warns of ‘Trillions’; CNN Plummets in Value

Breaking News from
NATO Chief Warns Ukraine Will Cost ‘Trillions’ If Russia Wins

Special: Heart Attack Test: Touch Your Feet Like This – for 7 Seconds

CNN Valuation Plummets by Half to $2.3 Billion

Trump Asks Saudi Arabia, OPEC to Cut Oil Price



Can you really predict a heart attack?

According to America’s #1 heart nutrition expert, Dr. Sam Walters… this 7-second “feet test” can reveal if your heart is dying.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Just sit on a chair.
  2. Touch your right foot.

If THIS happens… then your heart is desperately starving for oxygen (but most people only realize when it’s too late).

>> 7-second “feet test” can predict a heart attack (this could SAVE your life).

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