Standing alone at the קברים of my parents, my heart shatters while saying these words:
“Father, Mother—how I dreamed of joyfully inviting you to my חתונה. Instead, I stand here alone, a יתומה, without family to help me, overwhelmed by the burden of wedding expenses“.
The family that took me in with the goodness of their hearts is also struggling with day to day expenses.
My dear brothers and sisters, please help me, an orphan from both parents, stand under the חופה with dignity and joy. Your immense kindness will fill my heart with gratitude and transform my tears of grief into tears of pure joy!
May you be blessed to always have what you need and never experience any pain. I know Hashem, the Father of orphans, will repay your kindness beyond imagination, in this world and the next. Your help would mean more to me than words can express.
On my wedding day, I will בל”נ daven for all your heartfelt wishes to be fulfilled for good.
Chava – The Kallah