Peter A. Hovis

Here’s why you don’t need a massive move before you target payouts…

Ever noticed how exhausting it is to constantly chase the next big market move?

It’s like trying to catch lightning in a bottle… Exciting, sure. But rarely profitable in the long run.

Here’s something I’ve learned after years in the trenches…

The market’s biggest moves? They usually happen when we’re not looking.

Overnight, during lunch, or while we’re stuck in traffic.

Don’t believe me? See…

During regular trading hours, the S&P 500 has barely budged. For 24 years.

The blue line shows you the movement during the regular market hours of 9:30 am to 4 pm ET.

Sounds crazy, right? But the data doesn’t lie.

So I started wondering… What if we stopped trying so hard?

What if, instead of predicting big swings, we had a better shot at profiting from the market’s tendency to do… well, not much?

In figuring this out, things got interesting.

Take last August… By embracing the market’s ‘boredom’ and tendency to do almost nothing.

We had a string of $100+ days… on a small $1000 starting stake in each.

Not by betting on big moves. But by setting up a simple trade each morning that profited from calm.

Now, there were smaller wins and those that did not work out and I’m not saying it works every time. Markets have their moments and losses are possible.

But what if you could start your trading day knowing you don’t need to outsmart everyone else?

What if doing less could actually yield more?

I’ve laid out the whole approach here. It’s not fancy. It’s not exciting. But it works for me.

Might be worth a look if you’re tired of the daily market guessing game.

See how less can be more here.

Talk soon,

Chris Pulver

The profits and performance shown are not typical. We make no future earnings claims, and you may lose money. The trades expressed are from historical back tested data from June 2022 through April 2024 combined with Chris’s live money trading from June 2024 through December 15, 2024 to demonstrate the potential of the system. The average winning trade during the backtested data was 14.3% while the average losing position was 65.3% per trade and a 89.8% win rate.

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