Dear CRP Alumni, Parents and Friends,
The City and Regional Planning Department and the department’s advisory council, CiRPAC, would like to invite you to a complimentary mixer at Palenque Kitchen by Mezcal in Riverside this Monday, Sept. 30, from 5 to 7 p.m.
You’re invited to join us for tasty appetizers and drinks, to reunite with classmates, forge new friendships and catch up on current news in our department.
Your RSVP here by Sunday, Sept. 29, is appreciated.
This event is during the California Chapter of the American Planning Association’s CAL APA Conference held nearby at the Riverside Convention Center from Sept. 28 to Oct. 1.
If you can’t make it but still want to support the city and regional planning program, please click on the Give Now button below, or to help sponsor this event, contact Thank you.
We hope to see you at this gathering!
Festive regards,
Amir Hajrasouliha
Department Head and Associate Professor
City and Regional Planning
Cal Poly City and Regional Planning Mixer
Monday, Sept. 30, 5 to 7 p.m.
Palenque Kitchen by Mezcal
3737 Main St., #100, Riverside, CA / Map
Above: Entrance to the Palenque Kitchen by Mezcal near the Riverside Convention Center.