Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Venezuela in revolt as the people reject communism and demand freedom

From: Natural News <>
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2024 11:35 AM
To: <>
Subject: Venezuela in revolt as the people reject communism and demand freedom
Venezuela in revolt as the people reject communism and demand freedom
We’re witnessing a grassroots revolution in Venezuela as the corrupt communist regime in power tried to rig the election. But the people aren’t buying it and they are rising up.

Meanwhile, Israel stands on the verge of a potentially devastating war, and according to sources, they may have a deadly new weapon: The neutron bomb.

Close to home, Amazon is rolling out a Mark of the Beast palm payment system that turns your palm into a transactional commerce device. Nothing creepy or Biblical about that, right?

Plus today I offer sermon #2, all about Proverbs, humility and “God’s economy,” lending you words of encouragement and wisdom during these very troubled times.

Find it all at the Health Ranger Report channel on Brighteon.

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