Special Edition Newsletter: Biden’s Border Invasion is Destroying America
No End in Sight to Biden’s Border Crisis
As I noted a few weeks ago, Joe Biden issued an executive order claiming it would halt the endless flow of illegals surging into our country when, in reality, it would allow another 1.8 million lawbreakers to cross the border. No one was fooled by Biden’s latest political stunt. In fact, the invasion along the southern border rages on. This week, the United States Customs and Border Protection announced nearly 171,000 illegal aliens crossed the border last month. This does not include the 400,000 illegal aliens secretly flown into our country.If you have flown recently, I’m sure you have noticed a few lawbreakers on your plane.
Since Joe Biden took office, more than 13 million illegal aliens have crossed our border and very few of them, if any, get deported. This invasion is in addition to the 30 million illegal aliens already here before 2021. In the first six months this year, 90 terrorists have entered the country bringing the total number crossing the border since Biden took office to more than 350 terrorists whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist. Without question, countless more terrorists come into our country unnoticed. On his first day in office, Biden halted construction of the wall along the southern border and ended President Trump’s successful remain in Mexico policy. Biden spent the past three and half years actively working tirelessly to implement his failed open border policies which have turned every American community into a high crime border community. Mr. Biden’s 94 executive actions on immigration and his failed, open-border policies created the border invasion and it is costing taxpayers $451 billion each year.
Of course, the true cost is not just money. Thousands of American citizens have been murdered, robbed, assaulted or otherwise victimized by the criminally predisposed illegal aliens. By definition, every illegal alien is a criminal. If your first act in our country is to violate the law, can we expect them to be law-abiding citizens thereafter? Obviously not.
House Republicans passed H.R. 2, a tough border security bill last May, but Senator Schumer and Joe Biden refuse to support it. H.R. 2 forces the Biden administration to restart construction of the border wall, deploys technology to the southern and northern border, increases the number of Border Patrol agents and provides bonus pay, ends catch and release and halts the abuse of executive immigration authority. H.R. 2 would reimplement President Trump’s successful border policies and put an end to Biden’s border invasion.
Biden Announces Amnesty for Hundreds of Thousands of Illegal Aliens
The Department of Homeland Security estimates that 550,000 married illegal aliens will benefit from Biden’s order, receiving work permits, have access to welfare, receive Social Security numbers, green cards and eventual citizenship. Let’s get down to brass tacks and spell out the real reason Mr. Biden is doing this: once granted citizenship, these individuals will have access to voting booths. And because of chain migration, their entire illegal alien family will soon follow.
Biden’s latest executive action circumvents Congress, and as the Center for Immigration Studies points out, is yet another example of presidential abuse and is a blatant shortcut around the existing waiver process for illegal alien spouses of American citizens.
A recent poll commissioned by CBS taken between June 5-7 found over 62 percent of Americans, including a majority of Hispanics, favor mass deportations of all the illegal immigrants currently living in the United States. President Trump has promised, if elected, to start deportations, telling Time Magazine he would launch the largest deportation in American history, between 15 million and 20 million people.
Violent Crime Surges as Border Invasion Rages
Speaking of the border invasion, criminals are pouring across the border, destroying communities and straining law enforcement. Endless, heartbreaking news stories fill the airways and newspapers on a near-daily basis. The latest gut-wrenching story occurred this week in Texas when two illegal aliens from Venezuela were arrested for raping and murdering a 12-year old girl.
It gets worse, this week it was reported that law enforcement officials in Arizona seized more than 138 pounds of deadly fentanyl and methamphetamine being trafficked across the southern border in Yuma. Since Biden took office, roughly 29 tons of fentanyl has entered our country, destroying loved-ones and wreaking havoc on communities. Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for Americans ages 18-45, accounting for more than 112,000 fatal drug overdoses last year. Since 2021, the death toll from our open-border-drug-takeover due to Biden and the Democrats is over 300,000 people, mainly all young. This is pure carnage.
Congresswoman Laughs About Illegal Alien Raping a Child
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, during an interview this week, far-left, liberal Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal mocked and openly laughed at news coverage of the case of the Ecuadorian migrant accused of having bound, gagged and raped a 13-year-old girl in Queens. This is not anything to laugh about nor should these atrocious crimes be minimized. The truth is these illegal aliens are destroying the lives of Americans and every damn one of them should be deported immediately.
It’s Mail Time!
📬 I receive thousands of letters each month and I appreciate hearing from everyone. Here are samples of letters I received this week.
📨 Greg T. from Yuma, AZ writes:
Has the law making it a crime to hire illegal aliens been rescinded? If it hasn’t, maybe it needs to be vigorously enforced. If employers experience jail time, these employers might reconsider hiring illegals. Ending the employment of illegals, stopping the free medical, stopping the free housing, stopping the thousands of dollars of allowances, and ending free education might make these illegals want to go home. This would save the taxpayers billions of dollars.
📝 Greg, you are spot on. The actual costs are in the hundreds of billions. The laws have not been repealed. Biden and his ilk simply ignore and violate the laws. And no court has stepped in to stop it. No state or federal prosecutor has indicted the criminals responsible for a massive and intentional violation of our laws. The Biden administration is engaged in a global-scale human and drug trafficking operation. This is the definition of Anarcho-Tyranny.
📨 Gregory L. from Goodyear, AZ shares:
I am outraged that Joe Biden announced earlier this week his executive order giving amnesty for more than 500,000 illegal alien spouses of American citizens this week — the largest and most expansive executive amnesty in nearly a decade. Congress holds the power under the Constitution to approve amnesties. This unconstitutional order bypasses Congress’s authority. Issuing an amnesty during a historic border crisis will only encourage more illegal migrants to come to the United States through parole and fraudulent asylum claims.
📝 Gregory – you said it perfectly!
📨 Doug S. from Wittmann, AZ sends in:
I saw an article that Biden is preparing to offer legal status to undocumented immigrants who have lived in U.S. for 10 years. Undocumented immigrants are still illegal aliens and now Biden is planning to reward illegal activity with legal citizenship, assume able to vote as well. We must stop Biden from rewarding illegal activities with legal citizenship.
📝 Doug, at this point we are left with hoping and working towards another Trump presidency. Anything short of that and we will not fix this problem. All our marbles are betting on Trump to reverse course and make this country law-abiding and safe.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
📸 Ann Friday from Prescott, AZ shares this great photo of her cattle dog, Chewie, keeping cool in the summer heat with some fresh, cold Arizona-grown watermelon. Thanks for sharing, Ann!
❓Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to Anthony.foti@mail.house.gov. Remember to include your name and where you live.
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