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This Week With Gosar

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This Week With Gosar

June 9, 2024

Congress Refers Hunter and James Biden for Criminal Prosecution for Lying

This week, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on which I serve sent criminal referrals to the Department of Justice recommending Hunter and James Biden be charged with making false statements to Congress about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of Joe Biden. These false statements implicate Mr. Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s influence peddling schemes and are intended to shield him from the impeachment inquiry. With these lies exposed, as well as the very clear intention behind the lies to create the false impression that Joe Biden was not involved in his family’s business dealings, it is now clear, as House Republicans have argued since day one, that Joe Biden was very much a part of his family’s vast influence peddling schemes.

It is now clear, as House Republicans have argued since day one, that Joe Biden was very much a part of his family’s vast influence peddling schemes. Keep in mind the big picture here.  Joe Biden enabled his family to use his position as Vice President of the United States to shake down foreign governments, including Ukraine, for bribes.  Except the Biden crime syndicate didn’t call it a bribe, they called it consulting fees and board member salaries.  The family sold one product: access to Vice President Biden and Joe Biden himself directly received 10% of the haul. The syndicate created a series of multiple shell holdings to hide their transactions and they were flagged by various banks for suspicious dealings.  The evidence of corruption is there. 

Click here to read more about these criminal referrals.  

Biden Executive Order Too Little, Too Late

Joe Biden issued an executive order this week that claims to halt the war along the southern border but really is nothing more than the latest amnesty plan from the Biden administration.  The order will supposedly “cap” the number of illegal aliens who cross the border at 2,500 per day between points of entry.  2,500?  Why should ONE illegal be allowed to cross our border?  Under this plan, according to the New York Post, Biden’s executive order will continue to allow at least 1.8 million lawbreakers into America each year.  In other words, amnesty for nearly two million illegal aliens. 

The order takes effect immediately and Biden promised it would end the border invasion overnight.  So, how are things at the southern border since Biden announced his executive order earlier this week you might ask?  Well, it’s business as usual if I am being candid.  Illegal aliens (including criminals) continue to surge the border, catch and release remains in effect, drugs are pouring in, and no lawbreaker is getting deported.

On his first day in office, Biden halted construction of the wall along the southern border and ended President Trump’s successful remain in Mexico policy.  Biden spent the past three and half years actively working tirelessly to implement his failed open border policies which have turned every American community into a border community.  Now with five months before the election and polls showing Americans overwhelming disapprove of Biden’s open border policies, his latest politically motivated actions are too little, too late and won’t do a damn thing to deport the 13 million lawbreakers welcomed into our country by Joe Biden since taking office.

BLM Gives More Time for Public Comment After Gosar Demands Extension

Some good news to write about!  You may recall in last week’s newsletterI shared that I sent a letter to the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) requesting an extension of the public comment and review period for the Arizona Draft Business Plans.  This week, I heard back from BLM and they agreed to extend the public comment and review period two additional weeks. The Draft Business Plans are now open for public comment and review through June 26, 2024.  It’s important that BLM receive input from local communities, and I encourage everyone to provide comments. 

BLM Reestablishes Cash Payments at Virgin River Canyon Campground

More good news!  Because of limited cellular service, a constituent recently had difficulty accessing at the Virgin River Canyon Campground at the time of his visit and asked for my help regarding BLM’s transition to a cashless payment system at the campground.  This change was not ideal for all members of the public. To address my concern regarding my constituents’ inability to pay for a campsite with cash, BLM notified me this week that it has re-established a fee tube at the Virgin River Campground so that it can continue to accept cash payments from visitors who do not have a smartphone, do not have access to, or who simply wish to pay using cash.

Gosar Votes to Sanction the International Criminal Court

Last month, the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued bogus arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for alleged war crimes relating to Israel’s response to the October 7th terrorist attacks by Hamas that killed thousands of Israelis and dozens of Americans.

The ICC does not have jurisdiction over the United States or Israel. Nonetheless, if the ICC issues arrest warrants for Israeli officials, it would set a dangerous precedent that is a risk to the United States.  By the way, actor George Clooney’s wife, Amal Clooney, provided legal evaluation and played a key role in ICC’s case against Prime Minister Benjamin.  Remind me, why does anyone pay to watch Clooney’s movies?

In response, this week, I joined 246 Members of Congress (including 42 Democrats) voting in favor of H.R. 8282, the Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act, legislation imposing sanctions on the ICC.  I firmly stand with Israel and will never allow global bureaucrats to baselessly issue arrest warrants to Israeli leadership for false crimes. Sadly, 155 Democrats voted against Israel and went along with the ICC’s bogus arrest warrants.

According to news reports, it is unclear if the Senate will take up the legislation, which the Biden administration announced this past Monday that it “strongly opposes.”

Fun fact: George Clooney is slated to headline a June 15 Hollywood fundraiser for Joe Biden.

It’s Mail Time!                                               

📨 I receive thousands of letters each month and I appreciate hearing from everyone.  Here is a sample of letters I received this week.

📩 Robert L. from Florence, AZ writes:

Since Biden will not fix the problem why don’t the republicans write a bill to fix it?  Waiting for an answer.

🚨 Robert, no need to wait, here’s your answer: H.R. 2.  House Republicans know that border security is national security, and we know the best way to secure our borders is by reimplementing President Trump’s successful policies. That is why we passed H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023 last May.  It is the strongest border security bill in history. Itforces the Biden Administration to restart construction of the border wall, deploys technology to the southern and northern border, increases the number of Border Patrol agents and provides bonus pay, requires transparency regarding illegal crossings from the Department of Homeland Security, strengthens current law to protect unaccompanied children from human trafficking, ends catch and release, ends abuse of executive immigration authority, strengthens and streamline the asylum process. Unfortunately, Senator Schumer and Joe Biden have blocked the bill from being considered in the Senate because they would rather have a wide-open border than a secure America.

📩 Roger S. from Surprise shares:

Congressman Gosar is someone that aligns with my conservative ideals. I’m becoming deeply concerned with the envision of illegals pouring through pouring southern border.  I’m retired law enforcement. Oxnard PD, Ventura Co, CA. I served honorably in the U.S. Air Force. I left California in 2019, because of the very bad leadership of the “DemoRats.” I moved to this great State of Arizona, and now I’m beginning to see the same thing happening here, as happened to CommieCali.  Governor (not so bright) Hobbs, is to say politely, a bad Governor. Is there any pressure being placed on her to curtail her ridiculous platform of allowing the onslaught of illegals? 

🚨 Roger, thanks for your service. Unfortunately, the Governor is doing Biden’s bidding and working in concert with him to allow as many illegals into AZ as possible, hoping to “California” our Arizona.  Elections have consequences…

📩 Anthony B. from Dewey, AZ wrote in:

I absolutely agree with Mr. Gosar’s response to Biden’s executive order. It’s sad that we don’t have enough Representatives with morals enough to put the welfare of the people first. Keep up the fine work.

🚨 Anthony, thanks for the thoughtful note.  In Arizona, I am fortunate to stand shoulder to shoulder with honorable Representatives, like Andy Biggs and Eli Crane, who never waiver when it comes to putting America first.  But I agree with you, there certainly are not enough in Congress willing to vote their principles.  I’ll keep fighting and with God’s help, we will break through.

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

📸 Mike Gallo from Tucson, AZ shared this very cool photograph of his dog, Ellie appearing to be getting ready to go for ride on the moped!  Great shot, Mike.  Thanks for sharing.

Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?”   If so, send your best shots along with a brief description to to include your name and where you live. 

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

🗞 The Miner: Gosar: RECA will likely come up for reauthorization next week

📰 New York Post: Biden, 81, showing signs of decline as pols and aides detail use of cheat sheets, closing eyes for extended periods of time: ‘Not the same person’

🗞 Fox News: Elderly pro-life activist sentenced to prison after abortion clinic demonstration

📰 National Pulse: Steve Bannon Must Report to Jail by July 1, Says Judge.

🗞 Washington Times: Biden’s border order: Too little, too late, too political

📰 The Daily Signal: Despite Liberals’ Hysterical Denials, Aliens Are Registering and Voting

🗞 Gateway Pundit: Democrat War Pig Proposes Automatic Registration for Wartime Draft

📰 Just the News: House Republicans file criminal referrals to Justice Department for Hunter, James Biden

Warning!!  The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence.  If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already.  We link to interesting stories.  We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff.  We don’t vouch for every publication or every author.  If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views.  While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter.  We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic. 


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