Peter A. Hovis

“An Arab Bought My Farm”

The same farmer who risked it all to keep Shmitah is at risk again. Israeli farmers who observed Shmitah have only just financially recovered – only to be thrown into an even more devastating situation.

Their farm hands have either been murdered, called to war, or have fled fearing for their lives.

Farms cannot be cultivated and are losing millions of shekels worth of produce every single day.

You saved them two years ago. 

Can you be their savior again?

These heroic farmers were willing to pass on millions worth of profit to observe the incredible mitzvah of Shmitah.

Imagine the challenge of being tested yet again, to feel the strain of your livelihood being ripped from your hands just as you’ve pulled your head above water!

YOU can be their salvation.

Thank you for your generosity, and may we celebrate with our farmers in the land of Israel with the coming of Moshiach, amen.

With gratitude and hope,

Keren Hashviis and the Farmers of Israel

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