Peter A. Hovis

The Gold-Silver Connection

MARCH 11, 2024

Silver’s Turn to Shine: Building on Last Week’s Gold Insights

Last week’s conversation with Geof Smith, our go-to commodities expert, shed light on gold’s impressive rally and sparked curiosity about the next steps for the yellow metal.

Geof’s insight was particularly eye-opening: he emphasized the critical role of silver in sustaining gold’s momentum.

This notion became even more relevant today as we stumbled upon headlines showing analysts are increasingly confident that silver could be ready to start catching up to — and even outperforming — gold.

This alignment between expert opinion and market forecasts got us thinking:

Why does silver’s performance have such a significant impact on gold’s trajectory?

To get to the bottom of this, we reached back out to Geof for a deeper understanding.

He told us that silver’s affordability attracts a broader base of investors, making it a crucial player in the precious metals market.

This accessibility means that as more ‘average Joes’ invest in silver, its price movements can serve as a barometer for gold’s future direction.

Geof further explained that silver’s dual role as both a precious and industrial metal adds another layer of complexity.

Its industrial demand means that silver’s price isn’t just tied to investor sentiment but also to the health of the global economy — especially manufacturing sectors.

Currently, with manufacturing showing signs of sluggishness, particularly in China, silver’s price has lagged despite gold’s gains.

However, should global manufacturing rebound, silver could see significant upward momentum, potentially even outperforming gold, as analysts suggest.

Keep an eye on those precious metals prices — especially silver.

If everything goes according to plan, as soon as we see silver start “playing along”, gold could soar even further than it already has in a short time.

— The Prosperity Pub Team

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Is The Market Turning?

It’s a less obvious forecast this week due to a number of mixed signals.

Overbought and potential reversals over some metrics, and strong trend signals persisting among other metrics.

Remember, markets can remain over-extended for extended periods, which is why most oscillator indicators are ineffective.

So, for the first time in a while, we’re issuing a neutral outlook.

Nvidia’s (NVDA) action on Friday might signify the beginning of the anticipated pullback, and this week’s reaction will be crucial to the short-term outlook.

Here is this week’s watchlist:

Follow the money,

— Guy Cohen

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