Good morning RJ,
We start today with state news, as the teaching shortage continues to hurt the state’s education system. Educators for Excellence polled thousands of teachers about their
experiences and workloads and found that while 80% of teachers are likely to spend their entire careers in the classroom, only 14 % of teachers would recommend the job to others.
In sports, it was a busy weekend for the Santa Cruz Valley wrestling team, as they competed to become the best in Arizona in their respective weight classes at the Division IV state tournament. Of the nine, seven finished on the podium with four returning home with a first place medal. All four Dust Devils defeated their opponent by fall.
Plus, students at Florence High School have also joined in the local gardening trend, with 20 or
so raising vegetables on campus this year. First-year agriculture students filled garden beds with soil and compost to start gardening this school year. |