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Einstein was wrong (deadly for stocks)

In 1916 Albert Einstein published a revolutionary new theory of gravity…

… upending over 2 centuries of “settled science”.

But even he couldn’t accept one of the most radical predictions of his theory…

A cataclysmic tear in the universe that nothing… not even light… can escape.

Einstein argued that while this “Black Hole” might be theoretically possible…

… he never accepted it could exist in reality.

Today… we know Einstein was wrong!

Not only are Black Holes real… they might even form where we never expected!

Steven Place, the man who predicted the precise bottom of the 2020 COVID crash while most investors were still panicking…

Who stuck his neck out to call the historic rate-hiking spree in 2021 when the Fed was still telling investors inflation was “transitory”…

And who called the EXACT top in Tesla when everyone thought it was going to $1000 a share…

Is now on record with his latest prediction… something he’s calling a Financial Black Hole.

A massive tear in financial markets that’s poised to swallow $20 trillion of invested wealth.

If you have any of your hard-earned money in a 401K, if you receive a pension, if you own a single stock…

You need to be front and center in an exclusive event that Steve is hosting.

During the training, he’ll share all the details about exactly what this “Financial Black Hole” is…

And how it could put every dollar you’ve saved at risk:

>>> Don’t Let Your Hard-Earned Wealth Get Sucked Into A Black Hole

Anthony S.
Energy Expert at Big Energy Profits

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