Peter A. Hovis

The Risk From Crypto Lawsuits Isn’t What You Think

Delivering World-Class Financial Research Since 1999

Editor’s note: Don’t let the government scare you out of huge returns…

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) filed lawsuits against cryptocurrency behemoths Coinbase and Binance last summer in an effort to increase its foothold in the crypto space, tempting many investors to take their money out of cryptos. But according to Crypto Capital editor Eric Wade, these ongoing lawsuits could actually be a boon for the crypto market.

That’s why Eric stresses it’s critical for crypto investors to continue putting their money to work in order to avoid missing out on massive gains as these cases play out.

In today’s Masters Series, originally from the June 23, 2023 issue of our free DailyWealth e-letter, Eric recaps the SEC’s ongoing lawsuits… explains why these legal cases could result in a crypto rally… and details how investors can capitalize on this rare setup in the long term…

The Risk From Crypto Lawsuits Isn’t What You Think

By Eric Wade, editor, Crypto Capital

Blockchain users and cryptocurrency investors have had a lot to worry about over the past few months…

In early June 2023, the SEC sued two major cryptocurrency platforms. It started with Binance, then Coinbase.

The SEC alleges that Coinbase has been operating as an “unregistered broker.” It says the company has been selling cryptos “as investment contracts, and thus as securities.” The case with Binance is similar.

That’s the quick rundown. As an interesting note, the SEC said that Binance and Coinbase were selling people more coins than they need for personal use… which shows that the SEC understands these coins and tokens have utility.

Importantly, though, these legal cases won’t kill crypto.

What they are doing is creating a more urgent setup for investors. It’s a side of this story that nobody seems to be talking about.

That’s especially true because, right now, the U.S. is at a unique moment in time. Today, we’ll take a quick look at what’s happening. And if I’m right, life-changing gains are possible for long-term crypto investors

Let’s start with the price action. As you might imagine, crypto prices dropped when the lawsuit against Binance was announced.

It happened fast – but it’s also remarkable that they didn’t drop even more, considering that Binance runs one of the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges in the world.

The next day, the SEC announced its Coinbase lawsuit. But instead of falling further, crypto prices went up – especially bitcoin…

As the days progressed, though, that rally faded away. Fear, uncertainty, and doubt (“FUD”) swept across crypto communities… with investors dumping coins and tokens with real value, rather than face holding them if the SEC attacks again.

Now, a small part of that fear was justified. The Binance.US crypto exchange (the arm of Binance which U.S. residents can use) told users that its banking partners were pulling out, and that after June 13, no U.S. dollar deposits or withdrawals would be possible. Crypto prices quickly dropped again… shaving $60 billion off the overall market cap.

But, critically, that’s what shows me the other side of this story…

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Investors might run out of time to get their dollars into crypto.

Let’s face it. We’re living in a time with ridiculous government spending and poor financial management…

Remember, just a few days before the SEC filed its lawsuit against Coinbase, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill misleadingly named the “Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023″… a bill that uncapped the U.S. debt ceiling until January 2025.

While crypto investors might be able to shake off the threat of SEC lawsuits, they can’t shake off the notion that if the dollar starts losing favor around the world, people holding dollars risk being on the outside of sound currency, looking in.

Bitcoin has a 1.74% inflation rate… And by design, it will never again be higher than that. In fact, after the upcoming halving in April, bitcoin’s inflation rate will get even lower. As for Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap, its inflation rate fluctuates, but it was negative throughout most of 2023.

Both coins are highly liquid and accepted by merchants around the world. And they can be used for numerous purposes other than just spending. To crypto investors, their low inflation is appealing even if their prices fluctuate wildly.

In fact, volatility often works in the favor of crypto investors… because that’s what drives these assets’ incredible rallies.

And as a result of that same volatility, investors are now at major risk of missing out…

If America – now with no debt ceiling – continues to inflate the dollar with questionable spending, then bitcoin and other cryptos with their limited supplies could rise so rapidly that many folks on the sidelines may get priced out entirely.

We’re getting a small taste of that possibility now.

In mid-June, investment firm BlackRock – a giant with $9 trillion in assets under management – filed to launch a bitcoin spot exchange-traded fund (“ETF”). Fidelity Investments has announced its intention to do the same… And Invesco and WisdomTree Investments both rekindled applications they’d submitted long ago for their own bitcoin ETFs.

That news lit up the imaginations of crypto investors who see it as increased demand in the midst of scarcity. Bitcoin surged on the news… which could be the early stages of prices rising so quickly that hesitant investors get left behind.

Add these factors together… low-inflation cryptos and scarce coins facing rising demand… and that’s why I’m predicting bitcoin will hit $80,000 soon – and potentially $1 million in our lifetimes.

Luckily, Binance.US and Coinbase aren’t the only options in the U.S. for buying cryptos…

There are at least 12 different reputable exchanges in America, plus bitcoin ATMs, Coinstar (which accepts cash), blockchains that accept credit cards and digital wallets, and any number of decentralized applications that allow direct purchases of a dizzying variety of coins and tokens.

Don’t let the next crypto rally pass you by.

Good investing,

Eric Wade

Editor’s note: Eric’s refusal to keep his money on the sidelines throughout his career has resulted in closing out 723 positions for triple- and quadruple-digit returns. He has also delivered massive returns for his subscribers along the way – including more than a dozen 10X winners in the past five years. Now, he’s stepping forward to issue an urgent warning about the future of the markets…

Three major profit catalysts are converging in the crypto space right now – potentially setting the stage for generational wealth for investors who are paying attention. That’s why he recently hosted an online presentation to share the steps investors must take in order to capitalize on this rare setup. Catch up on the full details

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