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A Free Briefing to Kick Off 2024

Dear Reader,

Longtime readers know that when talking about the markets, we like to invoke the phrase, “History doesn’t always repeat itself, but it does often rhyme.”

Well, those words could prove VERY true just a few days from now…

Because that’s when all signs point towards a historic event igniting the NEXT major bull run for an asset class that’s delivered some of the market’s biggest gains in recent history.

And yes, I did say “just a few days from now” – that’s how time-sensitive this situation is.

Which is why our friends at Stansberry Research have decided it’s their top priority to kick off 2024, with a free Emergency Briefing on Wednesday, January 3, at 10 a.m. Eastern time.

The analyst who’ll be featured during the broadcast has a track record that’s second to none when it comes to delivering opportunities for massive returns in this corner of the market.

In fact, over the last five years alone, he’s shown his readers 13 different chances to collect quadruple digit returns, ranging from 1,155% all the way to 5,574%…

And all told, he’s closed out an incredible 72 positions for triple or quadruple digit gains.

Today, his research is showing that thanks to not just one, but THREE major profit catalysts triggering in 2024… we could see the biggest price explosion yet for these assets.

That’s why he’s issuing the strongest buy recommendation of his career on January 3… literally days ahead of when the first catalyst is expected to occur.

Based on the level of success we’ve seen this analyst achieve in this space, we highly recommend you make it a priority to attend this briefing.

It’s completely free for you to attend…

You just need to register on this page to let them know you’re attending.


Rob Spivey
Director of Research, Altimetry

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