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The truth about Wall Street (and the Titanic)

Dear Reader,

If I’ve learned anything from my long career on and off Wall Street…

It’s that people often fail to recognize bad omens, even when they’re right in front of our faces.

Take this classic example from the RMS Titanic…

Everyone knows about the ship’s tragic end.

But you probably haven’t heard about the strange incident that happened on the day she left England – and nearly collided with another ship.

Passenger Renee Harris watched it happen from Titanic’s deck as they pulled away from the dock. At the last minute, a quick-thinking tugboat captain pulled the other ship to safety, avoiding disaster by inches.

Without warning, a man Renee never laid eyes on before turned to her and said, “That was a bad omen. Get off this ship at Cherbourg, if we get that far. That’s what I’m going to do.”

Renee never saw the man again, but she probably wished she’d taken his advice.

Just days later, Titanic struck an iceberg, and 1,500 people lost their lives – including Renee’s husband.

Renee refused to leave him and only survived because Captain Smith forced her into the last lifeboat as the deck sank from under them.

What did that stranger see that Renee – and over 2,000 others – did not?

Did he see the ship’s near-miss and realize Titanic was too big to control safely?

Or did he simply have a gut feeling… and trusted it?

Either way, he teaches us a valuable lesson about big catastrophes…

There is almost ALWAYS a warning sign.

If, and only if, you understand what you’re REALLY looking at – and trust your gut.

I tell you this story for a simple reason…

The warning signs for 2024 are everywhere right now.

And unfortunately, like Renee, I expect most folks will stay in denial until it’s too late.

In short: You shouldn’t be scared, but you do need to be prepared.

Marc Chaikin and I just laid out all the key facts right here – including the exact steps you need to take.


Joel Litman
Chief Investment Strategist, Altimetry
2024 Financial Lifeline Event

P.S. Hindsight, as they say, is 20/20.

Titanic’s builders called it “The Unsinkable Ship” and people refused to believe otherwise – even as the ship went down.

Folks have dismissed my warnings before too, and paid for it later.

Heck, I told an entire roomful of Wall Street’s brightest in June 2008 that we were heading for a crash.

I won’t say I got booed off stage, but I definitely wasn’t a crowd-pleaser that day – the crisis hit three months later, and stocks crashed 50%.

How many people who heard my warning were kicking themselves?

But by then, it was too late.

Bottom line: People believe what they want to believe. And at the wrong time, that failure of imagination can have terrible consequences.

So please believe me, I don’t “sound the alarm” lightly…

But when I do, I urge you to take it seriously.

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