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Season’s Greetings from AHF President BG Burt Thompson (USA-Ret.)


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BG Burt Thompson (USA-Ret.)
President, Army Historical Fdn.
Hello and warmest season’s greetings to each of you from our dedicated team at The Army Historical Foundation. It’s my honor, as your president, to extend a heartfelt thank you for your unwavering support during what has been a truly remarkable year for us.

This year has been one of vibrant growth and inspiration, thanks in large part to your kindness and generosity. Together, we’ve ensured that the National Army Museum remains a dynamic and engaging space for all who visit. A shining example of our collective efforts is the LOYAL Service: Working Dogs at Warexhibit. This moving tribute to our Soldiers’ faithful canine companions has captivated hearts, drawing both new and returning visitors from across the globe.

In a heartfelt endeavor to honor the immense sacrifices of our Soldiers, we’re excited to announce the forthcoming Memorial Garden on the Museum campus. This serene space will stand as a testament to their bravery and the profound impact they’ve had on our nation.

Our commitment to preserving and sharing Army history extends well beyond the Museum walls. This year saw the production of 14 new episodes of our beloved web series, Army Artifacts, and continued efforts by our historians to engage with the public’s curiosity about our rich military heritage. Our publication, On Point, continues to delve into fascinating aspects of Army history. And let’s not forget our inaugural multi-day battle ride – an unforgettable journey through revolutionary history, with exclusive visits to renowned sites like the Museum of the American Revolution and West Point.

Your support has been the cornerstone of these successes, and there’s so much more on the horizon for 2024. We’re counting on your continued support as we forge ahead with our mission. As we approach the year’s end, I encourage you to consider an end-of-year gift to The Army Historical Foundation. Your generosity is not just appreciated; it’s integral to our journey forward.

As we look towards the horizon of a new year, filled with promise and potential, I’m reminded of the enduring spirit that binds us all in this journey. Your support is more than a contribution; it’s a legacy that echoes through the halls of history and into the hearts of future generations.

Let’s step into 2024 with a shared vision of honor, remembrance, and an unwavering commitment to preserving the stories that shape our Army’s illustrious past. Together, we are guardians of history, and together, we will continue to make a difference.

From all of us at The Army Historical Foundation, thank you for being a beacon of support. Wishing you a season of joy and a New Year filled with peace and prosperity. Until we meet again, take care and keep the spirit of history alive.


Brigadier General Burt Thompson, USA-Ret.
President, The Army Historical Foundation
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