As you gather around the dinner table, Maude and I wish you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving. Be on the lookout for a very special Thanksgiving Mineral Monday tomorrow!
Breaking: J6 Tapes Released
Speaker Johnson released the footage from January 6, 2021 this weekend. Nearly 40,000 hours of film can be viewed by clicking here. It’s very evident from the footage why former Speaker Pelosi and the sham J6 Committee suppressed the footage. Doing so would have blown a hole through their bogus narrative that a violent insurrection had occurred. I’ll have more to say about this breaking development later but my hat goes off to Speaker Johnson for keeping his promise to release the tapes.
More Breaking News: ASU Cancels Event with Anti Semite Rep. Tlaib
Bowing to pressure from me and others outraged, Arizona State University announced this week that it would cancel a planned event with well-known antisemitic Representative Rashida Tlaib. As I noted in my earlier tweet (see Tweet of the Week below), it was unacceptable that Tlaib, who has cheered Hamas and condoned the massacre of Jews, was even invited to speak at ASU.
October Border Crossings Continue to Surge
This week, the Biden regime announced nearly 241,000 illegal border crossings in October of this year. In addition, 279 terrorists already on the terrorist watch list, including another 12 in October, have crossed the southern border since Biden took office.
Terrorists are emboldened because of the feeble Biden administration. As a result of Biden’s reckless open border policies, more than 10 million illegal aliens have invaded our country since Biden took office. That’s on top of the existing 30 to 40 million illegal aliens that already lived here. I will work with everyone I can to get them deported.
Americans want a secure southern border and safe communities. Rather than wasting taxpayer money protecting Ukraine’s borders we should be protecting our own people and our own borders!
Border Crisis Costs American Taxpayers Paying Billions
Speaking of the border, my colleagues on the House Committee on Homeland Security released a report this week detailing Biden’s southern border invasion costs American taxpayers around $451 billion per year for services provided to the millions of illegal aliens under the Biden administration. That’s nearly half a TRILLION DOLLARS wasted on the healthcare, law enforcement, education and housing on illegal immigration. That’s $500 billion taken from your children, your schools, your hospitals, your roads, your airports and from your Social Security. Congress did not authorize any of it. This is pure theft of resources by a corrupt regime.
The report goes on to note that very little of this money is ever paid by the illegal aliens, with the tab falling on the shoulders of American taxpayers. Communities across the country are being crushed by the staggering costs associated with dealing with the border invasion created by Secretary Mayorkas and Joe Biden.
Gosar Votes Against Never-ending Continuous Resolution
This week, I voted against a two-pronged continuing resolution to fund the government through early February.
Failing to include any spending cuts and continuing to fund the entire Biden-Pelosi woke agenda that is destroying our country, driving our nation’s debt dangerously closer to $34 trillion and crushing American families with historically high inflation is not something I could support.
Not included in the continuing resolution were any meaningful measures to secure the southern border to stop the surge of illegal aliens and deadly flow of fentanyl.
The cycle of temporary funding deals that fail to rein in spending, reverse the Biden-Pelosi agenda or address the invasion along the southern border must end. Rather than continuously kicking the can down the road, Congress must put the needs of Americans first.
As many of you may know, I have taken issue with what are called FISA warrants and FISA courts for many years. I have voted against reauthorizing this abusive and unconstitutional law whenever I get a chance.
With the FBI’s gross violation of President Trump’s civil rights (along with dozens of other Americans) using FISA warrants to illegally gather information on conservatives and patriots, its law needs to be repealed entirely. We should not have secret courts and secret tribunals that target law abiding Americans for their political beliefs.
This week, I signed onto a letter in an effort to stop members in Congress from secretly attaching the FISA renewal in the NDAA, a must pass military bill. There are members of Congress who are ok with civil rights violations by the FBI, which now operates as the armed wing of the democrat party, but I am not one of them. I want this law repealed and I want the privacy and civil rights of all Americans to be protected.
U.S. “Charities” Caught Supporting Hamas Terrorists
The report revealed that over $260 million was sent through 501(c)s to Hamas-aligned “charities” operating in the United States. Donors include corporate foundations, employee-giving schemes, community organizations, and private foundations.
The report noted that “donors include the foundation arms of household companies such as PayPal, Fidelity, Shell, J.P. Morgan, Bank of America, Schwab, along with major philanthropic charities such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”
Even worse, over $100 million of U.S. taxpayer money was funneled to terrorist organizations. I will be working in Congress to get the foundations at issue stripped of their non-profit status and closed forsupporting terrorism.
Senate Democrats Choose Funding Biden’s Army of IRS Agents Over Israel
A few weeks ago, I shared that I voted in favor of H.R. 6126, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, legislation providing $14.3 billion in weapons and equipment to Israel for much-needed military assistance. The cost of this bill is fully offset by rescinding $14.3 billion for the Internal Revenue Service made available in the phony “Inflation Reduction Act” to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to harass hard-working Americans.
This week, Senate democrats blocked consideration of the stand-alone House-passed bill, instead choosing to support Hamas and the IRS over Israel. Since the brutal terrorist attack against Israel last month, an overwhelming majority of democrats in the both the House and Senate have voted against standing with Israel as it defends itself against the Hamas and other terrorists.
I will continue to stand with Israel and fully support Israel’s right to defend itself.
Left Wing Groups Getting Communist Funding
This week I sent a letter of inquiry seeking more information about possible Chinese communist funding of the leftist agit-prop group called Code Pink. The House Natural Resources Committee, on which I serve, has uncovered possible funding by foreigners of left-wing environmental groups like the Center for Biological Diversity and now Code Pink.
You may ask why foreign governments are funding these left-wing Marxist groups? They do so because these groups lobby Congress to shut down domestic energy, farming and ranching. By shutting our own industries down, we are forced to import energy and food from China, Russia and other countries.
Click here to read my press release detailing more about this troubling development.
Military Reverses Course on Vaccines
Earlier this year I visited Luke Air Force Base and spoke to many airmen who shared their fears of being terminated for not getting the COVID-19 jab. These pilots told me of many other good pilots and other service members who had been terminated for not taking the experimental jab.
This was the number one issue the airmen discussed with me. The Department of Defense (DOD) shamefully forced troops to take an experimental drug in a violation of medical ethics. There was no informed consent.
Now the military is facing a recruiting and retention crisis. After 10 years of anti-white agitation, discrimination in promotions, a focus on race instead of competency, and an aggressive campaign against conservative soldiers (literally designating them as terrorists) the DOD is begging for the traditional recruiting source to return.
The forced covid vaccine was just the last mistake the DOD made that is causing a recruitment and retention crisis. I’m glad the DOD changed its massively mistaken COVID policy. The DOD still has a racist governing policy that needs to be deconstructed. But the news on COVID jab reversal is good news.
Pentagon Fails Annual Audit—Again
Once again, and for the sixth year in a row, our military has failed its annual audit. It is the only federal agency incapable of passing an audit. We allocate over $900 billion to the military every year. The Department of Defense has approximately $3.8 trillion in assets. We know from prior audits that the military has an extremely high rate of fraud, waste and abuse. But since it is unable to even complete an audit, those of us in Congress are unable to cut the budget where the fraud and waste is happening. There are suggestions to simply cut the military across the board as a penalty for failing these audits. I would consider that option if it comes up for a vote. Write to me and let me know how you feel.
Veterans Suicide Rate Increases
I can think of no bigger tragedy than one of our veterans feeling so despondent that they take their own life. Yet it is happening, and now at a record rate.
The Department of Veterans Affairs released the National Veteran Suicide Prevention Annual Report, and found that 6,392 Veterans committed suicide in 2021. That is nearly to 20 veterans every day. This is a national crisis.
Help is available. If you, or someone you know are feeling despondent, contact the folks at this link.
The Biden Impeachment Investigation Versus Sen. Menendez Investigation
As part of my work on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee and our investigation of the Biden Crime Syndicate, I asked some questions of Professor Jonathan Turley, who has pointed out how fast the FBI investigated the corruption of democrat Sen. Menendez and his family but has virtually ignored the Biden family criminal enterprises. Here are some of my questions and his Mr. Turley’s responses:
1. Why did the Department of Justice rigorously investigate Senator Menendez and his family but have chosen to ignore Joe Biden and his family – especially given the fact that much more money and gifts have been provided to the Bidens than ever was provided to the Menendez’s?
Answer: I cannot speak to the motivations or reasons for the different profiles in these investigations. I have written on the similarity of some of the facts and allegations in the two cases. See, e.g., Jonathan Turley, Tale of Two Scandals: The Striking Similarities in the Menendez and Biden Cases, Res Ipsa Blog (, Sept. 29, 2023; Jonathan Turley, How About Hunter? Justice Department Adds FARA Charge to Menendez Prosecution, Res Ipsa Blog (, Oct. 14, 2023. The Biden family corruption allegations would certainly warrant the same type of intensive investigation by the Justice Department. Despite years of disclosures of influence peddling, Attorney General Merrick Garland has steadfastly refused to appoint a special counsel to specifically address the alleged corruption. The sharp difference shown in the level of inquiry is inexplicable and concerning.
2. Do you suspect even more direct evidence of bribery of the Biden crime family would be uncovered if the Department of Justice (DOJ) pursued that investigation with the same energy and zeal with which agents have investigated January 6th defendants – of which at least 1,146 have been charged with federal crimes and whose number the U.S. District Attorney Matthew Graves of Washington, D.C. wanted to increase by 1,200?
Answer: Again, it is hard for me to make such a judgment. However, the Justice Department has shown little sense of urgency or necessity in the investigation of the corruption allegations involving the Biden family.
3. Which two high-ranking government officials have families who are alleged to have received large sums of money, cars, and luxury items from foreign countries?
Answer: The most recent would be the Menendez and Biden families.
4. Should Congress pass a law prohibiting elected officials and their immediate families from soliciting any type of business for any reason from foreign governments or foreign businesses? If yes, why? If no, why not?
Answer: There is no question that Congress needs to reexamine the laws involving influence peddling and self-dealing. However, it will be difficult to bar adult family members from engaging in business deals with transnational or foreign entities. Selling access or influence should be clarified as criminal conduct in various circumstances.
It’s Mail Time!
I receive thousands of letters each week and I appreciate hearing from everyone. Here are a sample of some of the letters I received this week:
Keith M. from Yucca, AZ writes:
Congressman Gosar, thank you for not accepting another runaway continuing resolution spending bill. Push for spending cuts. Radical spending cuts are what we need. Thanks again. Keep American First.
Keith—you are right. I was extremely disappointed in some of my Republican colleagues. We had several amendment votes last week and the week before where we had the opportunity to cut modest amounts, like 1%, and more aggressive cuts up to 24%. To my dismay, over 70 Republicans voted against these cuts and joined all democrats in pursuing big spending. I will keep fighting to reduce spending but honestly, with so many Republicans addicted to big spending it is a tough row to hoe.
John N. from Kingman, AZ shares:
Your vote against runaway spending was right on que, thank you very much. My main reason for contacting you is to voice my concern about the new Speaker of the House. He is showing the same old feckless Republican leadership. To suggest that there is insufficient evidence to impeach Biden is laughable and to have democrats vote with him to avoid a government shutdown is obviously not in the best interest of the country.
While I realize he needs to be given a chance he also needs to be notified that there is voter discontent with some of his decisions. I thank you for your leadership and I know we can count on you to stay strong and show real leadership in opposing the democrat policies that are, in my opinion, deliberately destroying this country.
John, many have expressed the same concerns to me. I’m giving our new Speaker time to get his operations set up and his team and priorities in place before cracking the whip. As for the Biden corruption, you are 100% correct. My work with Rep. Comer on the Oversight Committee has uncovered massive evidence of bribery and corruption. No president has been as corrupt and dirty as Biden. We could implement impeachment proceedings tomorrow. We have a lot of evidence. However, we do know there is more to come. So, we are still going through and collecting banking and other records as we are certain the trail of corruption is deep. Rest assured. Impeachment proceedings will be brought. Probably in early 2024.
Robert W. from Prescott Valley, AZ is fumes:
“Biden not expected to be charged in classified document probe.”
President Biden is likely to be let off the hook and not face criminal charges over his retention of classified material dating back to his time as a U.S senator from Delaware.
The is B.S. I worked for DOD for 37 years and maintained security and handled classified documents. If anyone in our organization would have done that they would be criminally charged and lost their job.
We seem to have a double standard: one for democrats and one for Republicans. Democrats get a free pass.
Robert, there is a double standard. You are not wrong. As a senator, Biden had no legal authority to steal and keep classified materials. As President, Trump had unfettered legal authority to take any document he wanted and declassify it. The FBI and the DOJ are acting as enforcers for the radical democrats. That can only change if Trump is elected in 2024. Pray we get the right result.
Julian R. from Prescott, AZ screams in all caps:
Julian, I certainly agree you should not be throwing away your money for a shady group like the DNC. You would be better off blowing your money on Whiskey Row.
As for what is going on in Gaza, the whole situation is horrific. The October 7 massacre of 1,400 women and children was savage and barbaric. The Israeli government had to do something to stop this from ever happening again. Hamas has put civilians in harm’s way. It is heart breaking. I cannot presume to know what is in the best security interests in Israel. I do know terrorism has to be met with overwhelming force. I pray for true peace there. It starts with Hamas recognizing the right of Israelis to live in peace. Then Palestinian people will have peace.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Randy Sherwood from White Hills, Arizona snapped this picture of a turkey vulture sitting on a Joshua tree. Great shot, Randy. Thanks for sharing.
Do you have photography skills? Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state along with a brief description to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don’t vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.