Peter A. Hovis

My impact in action: fall highlights from the National Cathedral

Hi Peter,

I hope you’ve been enjoying these warm summer months! You’ve likely been receiving a number of emails from the Cathedral, and as one of our special donors, I wanted to provide a curated list to highlight for you some of the most important news and events coming up at the Cathedral this fall, as well as some media that has not yet been released to the general public.

New Stained Glass Windows  We are so excited to unveil our newly fabricated stained-glass windows, which reflect the ongoing struggle for racial justice. Join us September 23 for this once-in-a-lifetime event as we recommit to our mission of welcoming, deepening, convening, and serving all of God’s children. The event will feature remarks from world-renowned artist Kerry James Marshall and acclaimed poet Elizabeth Alexander, whose poem, “American Song,” will be carved underneath the windows. Following the dedication, the celebration will continue with an open house featuring music, food trucks, and other festivities. The dedication will be streamed online.

New Concert Season Announced  The National Cathedral’s world-renowned music program has announced its 2023-2024 concert series. Bach and Beethoven, The King’s Singers, Children of the Gospel… there are so many opportunities to experience a variety of musical styles in this incredible space!

Pipe Organ Renovation Updates  By now, you’ve likely heard about the renovation work being done on our historic organ. You can learn more about this exciting project here.

Happy 116th Birthday  Last month, we marked our 116th birthday and the 12th anniversary of the 5.8 earthquake that caused significant damage to the Cathedral back in 2011. Our head stonemason, Joe Alonso, shared with me some behind-the-scenes footage that highlights the important preservation work that is continuing on our beautiful building with your support. Joe and his team recently hosted a “re-capitation” event, where we finally reattached the head of our beloved bat-faced gargoyle. You can see the “before” and “after” images in this photo by Colin Winterbottom–simply click and drag the slider from left to right.

Sustain What Sustains You  Have you ever wanted to make a significant financial contribution to the Cathedral but found that it’s not the right time for you or your family? Consider participating in the Cathedral’s very first Legacy Challenge–a matching gift campaign for supporters who include the Cathedral in their will, trust, IRA or other beneficiary designation. Including the Cathedral as a beneficiary of estate plans allows donors to contribute gifts beyond their lifetime. Two Cathedral leaders have created a pool of $1 million in available matching funds, which will be used to match new and increased planned gift commitments at 10% of their estimated value. You can learn more by watching this video from Randy and by checking out our Legacy Challenge website.

We have a busy season ahead of us! Of course, you are always welcome to reach out if you have any questions about these or any other Cathedral initiatives.

Thank you for your support and for being a member of our Cathedral family!

All the best,


Dennis Strach
Annual Gift Officer
Washington National Cathedral


3101 Wisconsin Ave NW, Washington, DC 20016

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