Peter A. Hovis

Is Your Retirement Account Safe From H.R. 5376?

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Biden’s Sneaky H.R. 5376 Is A Nightmare For 401(k) And IRA Savers

Hi, Dr. Ron Paul here.

Biden just made the lives of American retirement savers much harder.

And the mainstream media is ignoring this story!

Here’s what happened:

Joe Biden couldn’t get his “Build Back Better” bill passed last year because everyone knew it would cause more inflation. So he stubbornly pushed it through Washington in “H.R. 5376”.

Without a doubt, this sneaky move confirms what I’ve always believed:

  • Governments will never stop printing fiat currency until it is worthless!
  • Anyone whose financial future relies on a sane, responsible government or a functional economy should consider smarter options, TODAY!
So is there something you can do?

YES! Physical gold offers an opportunity to escape wealth confiscation. And the best way to protect your savings with gold is through a PHYSICAL GOLD IRA.

Why? Because:

  1. You avoid taxation just like with any other retirement account.
  2. The gold is in PHYSICAL form. Which means its value cannot be easily manipulated or leveraged.
  3. You won’t pay a DIME in penalties or taxes when you transfer any portion of your savings into a Gold IRA

This is the perfect scenario if you are approaching or are already in retirement.

Want to learn more?

Click here to request your FREE 20-page Info Kit On Gold IRAs.

This no-charge guide reveals the fastest and easiest way to protect what’s yours. Get your copy at the link below:


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