Peter A. Hovis

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Trump’s Financial “Doomsday Prediction” Comes True On August 22
New Global Super-Currency May Destroy Many Soon-to-Retire Americans JUST LIKE TRUMP PREDICTED!
Donald Trump recently made headlines when he said:

“Our currency is crashing and will soon no longer be the world standard, which will be our greatest defeat frankly, in 200 years.”

Liberals and mainstream media laughed at him.

But he was right!

You see, Russia just announced that, on August 22, the BRICS group of nations will introduce a new global super-currency backed by gold.

This could be the final nail in the coffin of the U.S. Dollar’s global reserve status.

And it could force the U.S. into…

An Economic Collapse On Par Or Worse Than The Great Depression!

…with homelessness, unemployment, bankruptcy, poverty, and hyperinflation setting the country ablaze.

Far too many Americans will be caught off guard as their personal finances crumble and their dreams for the future evaporate.

However, YOU and your family have the benefit of warning ahead of August 22.

So you can prepare for the potential fallout.

One option is to diversify your 401(k) or IRA into physical gold.

This is possible through something called a “Self-Directed” Gold IRA.

These special accounts allow you to transfer your retirement funds into PHYSICAL gold without fees, penalties, and taxes!

Want to learn more?

Click here to request your FREE Info Kit On Gold IRAs

Inside you will learn why Gold IRAs are a dream come true for retirement savers.

Getting this info kit could be one of the smartest financial moves you ever make. So click the link below to get your copy now:

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