We must secure our border

We must secure our border.
The Biden Administration’s failure to secure the border leaves our communities and law enforcement agencies to manage a crisis they did not create.
As the U.S. Senator from Arizona, I have personally witnessed the impact an unsecure border has on our communities and how the flow of fentanyl over our border destroys families in Arizona and across America.
To address these challenges, I’m working on lasting solutions to our border crisis and recently introduced an important piece of legislation. My bill declares the international trafficking of opioids to be a national emergency and gives law enforcement additional tools to keep American families safe and secure.
Will you support my efforts to secure the border and address America’s fentanyl crisis? I hope you will by making an immediate donation to my campaign. Your donation now sends a clear message that you stand with me to secure the border and end the fentanyl crisis.
I was fortunate to learn from the late Senator John McCain and seek his guidance from time to time on passing laws important to our country. His message to me was always the same: do what’s right, fight like hell for it and let history judge your actions.
By securing our border, honoring our nation’s Veterans, creating economic freedom and opportunity, and holding the Administration accountable, I will continue Senator McCain’s legacy of doing what is right and fighting like hell to deliver real, lasting results. Help me do so by clicking here now to make an immediate donation to my campaign.
Nancy Pelosi recently held a fundraiser for the liberal candidate running for Arizona’s Senate seat. That alone should tell you why your donation today is so important.
Kyrsten Sinema
P.S. Click below to watch me on FOX News with Senator James Lankford discussing the Biden Administration’s failure to secure our border and protect our communities.
Sinema for Arizona
P.O. Box 7586
Phoenix, AZ 85011-7586
United States
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