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Joe Biden got caught trying to hide this damning truth about the cocaine found at the White House – Renewed Right

Joe Biden

Joe Biden got caught trying to hide this damning truth about the cocaine found at the White House

The scandal surrounding the cocaine found at the White House is not dying down anytime soon.

In fact, it’s just starting to heat up.

And Joe Biden got caught trying to hide this damning truth about the cocaine found at the White House.

The Secret Service absurdly tried to claim it may never discover the identity of the individual who smuggled cocaine into the White House and left the contraband near the situation room.

Texas Republican Congressman Pat Fallon threw a flag on this absurd claim wondering how it was possible law enforcement could not test the bag for fingerprints and immediately find out who snuck cocaine into the White House.

“If the cocaine was found on a bag, doesn’t it have fingerprints on it? And how long would it take to answer that question? Weeks, days, hours?” Fallon wondered.

Fallon explained that law enforcement back home in Texas told him it would only take a matter of hours to find out if the owner of the cocaine left fingerprints on the bag.

“I asked Texas Rangers and Sheriffs . . . they all said to me that on very porous surfaces like bags and envelopes, you’ll be able to determine within an hour if there’s fingerprints on it . . . we’re 192 hours from the time it was discovered,” Fallon added.

Fallon is one of the many Republicans who believes the White House and law enforcement knows who the cocaine belongs to but that they don’t want to dig too deep because the answer is politically embarrassing for Joe Biden.

“And yet we don’t know, because if there was no fingerprints, they could have told us immediately,” Fallon continued.

“So I suspect there are fingerprints and you can run it through a database . . . So they very well may already know who it belongs to and aren’t sharing with us,” Fallon concluded.

Hunter Biden has been living in the White House for months.

Hunter Biden was also at the White House last Friday, 48 hours before law enforcement stumbled upon the bag of cocaine.

Donald Trump – among others – believes the cocaine belongs to Hunter Biden.

And Congressman Fallon believes the White House and the Secret Service are stonewalling the investigation into who brought the cocaine into the White House because the answer is one Joe Biden would prefer not to know.


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