As you age, you may begin to notice that you feel weaker or your muscle mass isn’t what it used to be. You wonder if there’s anything that can slow this deterioration down, or if it’s just a natural part of the aging process that everyone should accept. This is a depressing notion, but there is hope. What if I told you there was a simple way to not only stop muscle loss, but actually reverse it?
Well, many “experts” recommend taking whey protein powder to keep your muscles strong as you get older.
But surprisingly, research shows that when it comes to lean body mass, most of the protein in whey powder does not build muscle and may actually be making you fat!
Scientists have studied all the types of dietary protein and measured how much of the protein is utilized by the body to build muscle. What they’ve found is that whey is one of the worst sources of protein.
So, the secret is not to load up on protein shakes, but rather get your body to make more protein!
Learn about a new breakthrough that can do just that, and uncover how you can get fit, trim, and healthy by building lean body mass.
(Golfers) What to do about weakening muscles → |