Peter A. Hovis

7 Stunning U.S. Landmarks You Never Knew Existed

Apostle Islands Mainland Ice Caves

OUTDOORS | 7 Stunning U.S. Landmarks You Never Knew Existed

The 22 wooded islands in Lake Superior that make up northern Wisconsin’s Apostle Islands National Lakeshore are popular during the warmer months for paddling, sailing, and hiking — but winter may actually be the best time to visit.

That’s when you can marvel at one of the most unique landmarks in the country: the Apostle Islands mainland ice caves. When Lake Superior freezes over, visitors can walk about a mile to the stunning rock formations and sea caves from the stairs at the end of Meyers Beach Road. Park officials monitor ice conditions carefully to ensure it’s safe; if conditions are right, you’ll be rewarded with a mesmerizing wonderland of needle-like icicles.
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