This week, I reintroduced H.R. 3492, the Gun-owner Registration Information Protection Act (GRIP Act), legislation that prohibit states, localities, or any other organization from using federal funding to maintain gun registries. In recent years, many states have passed a variety of gun laws, including requiring law-abiding gun owners to register their handguns with state police. Concerningly, newspapers and websites have then published these databases showing where licensed gun owners and permit holders live. This bill ensures federal funds do not contribute to state recordkeeping that could continue to allow this kind of breach of privacy. In recent years, many states have passed a variety of gun laws, including requiring law-abiding gun owners to register their handguns with state police. Concerningly, newspapers and websites have then published these databases showing where licensed gun owners and permit holders live. This bill ensures federal funds do not contribute to state recordkeeping that could continue to allow this kind of breach of privacy.
The reason leftist newspapers and others publish this information is to “dox” (expose for ridicule and harassment) gun owners. They think companies will fire gun owners. It is also dangerous in that it directs mentally ill democrats to go to people’s homes to harass them. This could end in tragedy. I seek to avoid this.
This week, the Biden regime announced that 211,401 illegal aliens crossed the southern border last month (second highest in 22 years), this despite their assertions that unlawful immigration has decreased. In reality, more than 6.6 million lawbreakers have crossed the border since Biden took office. Another 3,200 pounds of deadly fentanyl was seized at the border in April, much more never gets confiscated and continues to ravage our communities. For 26 months in row, 150,000 or more illegals have crossed our border. Joe Biden continues to welcome the lawlessness and, by ending Title 42, is only making the crisis worse.
Speaking of Illegal Immigration…
Illinois passed a law to a few years ago giving illegal aliens “free” health care. At the time, lawmakers thought it would cost around $4 million. This week, state officials in Illinois now say the state program will cost over $1.1 billion. Despite the exorbitant cost overrun, democrats in Illinois are pushing to expand the coverage to include more illegals. This might help explain why more than 142,000 people moved out of Illinois from July 2021 to July 2022. People are fed up and are “voting with their feet.” Any state that prioritizes illegals over its own citizens deserves to go broke.
Durham Report Released – It was all a HOAX
This week, Special Counsel John Durham released his reportlooking into misconduct related to the Russia/Trump hoax and concluded that the FBI had no evidence that President Trump or anyone affiliated with President Trump colluded with Russia. It was all completely made up. This is the Big Lie! Durham found that the FBI went against its own rules and failed to maintain strict fidelity to the law. As a result of election interference by Hilary Clinton and her campaign, Donald Trump was relentlessly investigated for four years. The FBI was weaponized against Donald Trump. There was no justification for the FBI to launch this phony probe. It’s time for Congress to hold hearings.
I cannot understate the importance of the findings. The FBI, from top to bottom, coordinated efforts with the democrats and Hillary Clinton as well as Obama himself, to destroy and defeat President Trump. They hampered his entire presidency and held two impeachments due to this. This is the biggest scandal in our government’s history. Our internal security agency engaged in a soft coup to take down the president. And they succeeded ultimately. If our country had better leadership dozens of FBI agents and leadership would be in prison facing charges for treason.
It’s Time for America to Exit the World Health Organization
This week I joined several of my colleagues at a press conference to condemn the Biden regime’s total surrender of our sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO embarrassed itself in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. They cozied up to China and fell for China’s lies. If the WHO had taken the virus seriously earlier, lives could have been saved. The United States should not contribute a dime to its budget. It is outrageous that Joe Biden is working to give the WHO and its Director-General more power over sovereign nations, including the United States. The United States, and only the United States, should decide the laws that bind us. We must not cede any further U.S. sovereignty to the WHO. Unelected foreigners with legislative power over American citizens would have our Founders rolling in their graves. And it must stop now.
Gosar Pressures the National Institutes of Health to Stop Funding the Wuhan Lab
For months, I have been demanding the National Institutes of Health (NIH) cut off funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This week, following my efforts, the NIH announced it will finally cut off funding to the Wuhan lab. No taxpayer money should be sent to the Chinese Communist Party animal lab that everyone now admits caused the COVID pandemic. I’m proud that my pressuring the NIH finally ended taxpayer funding for this dangerous bioagent lab.
California, where drug addicts, mentally ill people, and homeless vagrants urinate and defecate on the sidewalks, and use drugs openly, has now decided to export its waste to Arizona. It is sending truckloads of waste to dump in Arizona. I asked the state Attorney General to stop this madness. It is bad enough that Californians move to Arizona and bring their toxic liberal politics. We don’t need their toxic waste.
Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), who represents the region in Congress, said California should keep its waste. “It’s bad enough that liberal Californians are moving in droves to Arizona after torching their own state and turning it into a cesspool of crime and homeless junkies,” Gosar told The Epoch Times in a statement. “We certainly don’t need or want their toxic waste. I will ask the attorney general to review this and see what laws are being broken, if any. Don’t California my Arizona, keep your waste in Los Angeles, where it belongs.”
I receive thousands of letters every month and I appreciate hearing from my constituents. Here’s a small sample of the letters I received just this week:
Curtis P. from Yuma, AZ shares:
I am a resident of Yuma and do not identify as a member of a political party. I find both major parties to have identifiable corruption, at least at the leadership level. I am encouraged by our current Speaker of the House’s efforts to get some of the truth about J6 out to the public. I am dismayed that the leaders of both parties in the Senate were, apparently, successful at muzzling Tucker Carlson as he has been able to reveal some truth. I am utterly FED UP with the gall of Director Wray to tell Congress that they don’t have a right to oversight information. The dismissal of whistleblowers is not acceptable. The system seems to be broken and we cannot stand by and watch our country to be destroyed by the lawlessness of the institution. Those that suppressed the truth must be taken to task, rooted out of their positions and prosecuted for any laws that they broke. At the very minimum, at this time Congress needs to completely defund any agency that isn’t fully complying. I pray that God will give you the strength needed for the tough job ahead.
Dear Curtis, very well said. The system is broken. And it’s worse than we thought. I will vote in favor of slashing the FBI budget. A lot. This agency has been a blight on Americans for two or three generations. Its blatant efforts to get involved in politics and help democrats is the final straw. Whatever its reputation was in the 1960’s or 1970’s it is a long way from that now. It is basically the armed wing of the democrat party.
Its jurisdiction should be limited to international drug interdiction, international sex trafficking, interstate serial killers, and copyright enforcement. All the rest can be and are done by state-based law enforcement.
Caleb H from Surprise, AZ writes:
The main reason I am writing you is to tell you as your constituent that I am worried about the two-tier justice system in this country. The Durham report was the final straw to show how corrupt our nation is. Impeach Biden, expel Schiff, and disband the FBI. All have acted treasonous to the American people and need to be held accountable for the lies the told and went along with to the American people. Hunter Biden has continued to show just how much of a two-tiered justice system this country has as he has clearly lied on a form 4473 as well as has numerous tax violations. After the IRS whistleblower was given immunity, the DOJ ordered the IRS to remove the entire IRS team investigating Hunter Biden’s tax fraud case. The White House has complete control of the media narrative, so it isn’t bothering to even give the appearance of following the law. This is crazy that American has fallen this far. Lastly, I ask you continue to protest the war in Ukraine. The fact we are clearing out our weapons and ammunition to fund a proxy war for a country that is not even in NATO when we have an unsecure border and homeless veterans is outrageous. Please continue to fight for the American people. I am grateful to have you as my representative and feel you act on behalf of your constituents rather than serve any agenda. That, Mr. Gosar is why I will continue to vote for you.
Dear Caleb, thank you for your insight. I might have to hire you to help with the newsletter. You packed a lot of facts and insight in your letter. You are 100% spot on. We are living under a corrupt regime. And seeing how the FBI worked with the democrats in 2016 and 2020 to defeat President Trump, the legitimacy of this administration is up for debate. No one can assert that the 2020 election was without unlawful interference. Ukraine is proving to be worse than we thought. I will continue to oppose U.S. intervention and proxy war making. I will stand for peace. I will continue to fight for you, for America and for the truth.
Holly W. from Kingman, AZ is feeling hopeless:
I appreciate your weekly updates and I agree with you on all the points you made in your latest newsletter. With the release of the Durham report on Monday confirming what we have suspected all along, I feel so hopeless about the state of our great America. The corruption is so deep and into just about every department. I am not even convinced that a Republican vote counts anymore. And it soon won’t with Joe’s plan to flood our country with all the illegals (future democrats) regardless of the cost and chaos.
Somehow, we have to clean up the mess that Washington D.C. has become. I pray that our majority in Congress will keep making progress in exposing the corruption. It is truly shocking that the media continues to ignore the obvious. Like me, I think that there is a large part of the American population that sees what is happening, they want to do something, but don’t for the fear of the backlash. Freedom of speech is gone! From my point, evil is winning right now. The Clinton’s, Obama’s and Bidens are all traitors. I think Biden should be impeached and forced out of office and Harris as well. She can barely put a sentence together that makes any sense. Kevin McCarthy can step in and clean house. Thank you for your hard work.
Dear Holly— like Caleb and Curtis, you make excellent points. The Durham report is basically an autopsy for our republic. The internal security services and the justice department have been turned into illegal enforcement arms of the democrat party. They have corrupted our nation. We need to clean house and I will support Speaker McCarthy in his efforts to do so. Since we cannot trust the DOJ, we may need special prosecution tribunals that work outside the DOJ. We can mourn for the loss of our republic but then let’s work together to get it back. We can win together.
Norman D. from Litchfield Park, AZ has a slightly difference perspective:
Mr. Gosar, you are a traitor to the Constitution and your oath of office. I live for the day that you, Trump, and the rest of the traitors are behind bars where you all belong. No, I’m not interested in your newsletter, which I expect will be filled with lies and debunked conspiracy theories.
Norman—your support for corruption is duly noted. Your fascist inclination to jail your political opponents is also noted. You would have made a fine communist. I think I will keep you on the mailing list and maybe send you a hard copy by mail. You of all people need to hear the truth and break your fascist tendencies and start supporting your nation like a real American.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Daniel Hagan from Payson, AZ snapped this photo while paddle boarding and describes it as a Snowy Egret reflecting on a beautiful Arizona Spring day. Great shot, Daniel! Thanks for sharing.
Now, who is next!? Do you have photography skills? Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!