From birth dates to credit card details, your family’s smart devices hold a wealth of private details—data hackers can easily steal if your wifi network lacks the protections to help prevent attacks.
Here are 3 easy tips to help keep your loved ones, identities, and network more secure.
Safeguarding your network starts in the Panoramic Wifi app
Activate Advanced Security
Accidentally visiting a malicious website or clicking a suspicious link happens. This extra layer of security looks out for you, helping to block cyberattacks 24/7.
Turn on Network Activity alerts
When new users try to join your wifi network, you’ll get real-time app alerts, then you can easily allow them to join or quickly block them.
Share your wifi access securely
Want to provide easy wifi access to guests, family, and friends? Share My Wifi lets them scan a QR code and join easily without giving out the password.
A subscription to any level of Cox Residential Internet service with Panoramic Wifi (Technicolor CGM4141 or Arris TG1682) is required. If you have a different Panoramic Wifi gateway, see to upgrade your device at no additional charge. Advanced Security must be enabled in the Panoramic Wifi app. Pricing, packages, and policies are subject to change. Other restrictions may apply. Cox services and plans subject to Cox Residential Customer Service Agreement (including mandatory arbitration provisions), Acceptable Use Policy(including Cox’s right to terminate service for abuse of network), and other policies .