ACA eNews
Summit of Angel Investing Early Bird Pricing Ends Tomorrow
- The ACA Summit in 2023 is moving west to Vegas! Join us for three days of quality content, interactive discussions and vibrant networking to elevate your angel investing experience. Whether you are a new or experienced investor, angel group leader or part of the broader community supporting entrepreneurs and early stage investments, you’ll learn the latest on trending topics and meet new people, all to help improve your outcomes.
- May 14 – 17, 2023, Planet Hollywood ACA Summit room rate: $49.
- Book your room before the rates go up on April 24, 2023.
- Register by February 28, 2023, to take advantage of the early-bird discount and save $250! If you’re in an angel group, gather your friends and register five or more members to receive a group discount of $100 per registration!
NEW VIDEO! Growing Women’s Capital & the Angel Investor Foundation
A few years ago, a small group of ACA Members formed ‘The Angel Capital Association’s Growing Women’s Capital group’ to be a driving force mobilizing capital directed at investment in female founders and women-led companies. This video will share more details.
Today this group is still going strong and growing! Each month we showcase amazing female entrepreneurs and the exciting companies they are building. The group’s goal for the campaign is to support the infrastructure needed to support their mission of helping more female entrepreneurs get the capital they need.
Go online to hear the story and join the Growing Women’s Capital campaign page.
ACA Board Member Ron WeissmanPresents at the Five Star BankFunders & Founders Event at The Growth Factory
Last week, incoming ACA Board of Directors chair Ron Weissman attended the event and presented the “Angel Investing Seminar,” in Sacramento.
The signature event connected the region’s most
sophisticated entrepreneurial founders with
start-up and growth company focused investors for
deal-related networking.
Five Star Bank helps businesses start-up, grow and succeed through relationship-based banking and treasury solutions.
ACA wants to extend a very grateful thank you to The Growth Factory for hosting the event in their location.
First Ever ACA Membership Session: “Celebrate Exits”
About Member Sessions:
Are you dealing with a current investing dilemma? Want to engage in dialogue with others who are on the Angel Investing Journey? Tune in and be inspired by the real-world angel investing experience of some of the poisoners of the asset class! We will be talking about some of your most requested topics like Do Angels really see a return on their investment? How long does it take?
Announcing Liquidity Events:
Join us to hear our Fellow ACA members announce their recent (past 5 years) liquidity events. You’ll learn about different types of liquidity events, how long these investments took to yield a return, whether it was a QSBS exemption and more. Feel free to invite a friend to attend the first 30 minutes. Only ACA Members can participate in the Q/A after the announcements.
Registration is required, do so online here.
ACA’s Innovation Funders Showcase (IFS) is like no other. This is not your traditional pitch event. The ACA community represents the most comprehensive investment segment of the early stage asset class with 250 Angel Groups representing more than 15,000 accredited investors. In a typical ACA Summit, investor representation exceeds 50% of our total group population.
This means that investors are in attendance not only to make personal investment decisions, but also to bring the next hot commodity back to their home angel group for further investment consideration. We regularly see groups that received IFS exposure still getting screening invites from ACA member groups 12+ months after their initial pitch. ACA offers an incredibly efficient and economical path to capital that can pay dividends for months following the presentation.
Please reach out to Partnerships Director Damien Delgado to get started!
Interested in learning more about investing with philanthropic dollars? Tune in for this episode of The Angel Next Door where Marcia Dawood and Jenny Lane, CEO of The Ohio Impact Fund discuss how money from Donor Advised Funds can be used to provide capital to for-profit companies while generating charitable returns. Listen in to hear Jenny’s story and how she works to uplift underrepresented founders who seek to make the world a better place through these alternative methods of investing!
Listen online here or get the episode anywhere you get your podcast content.
In this quick episode of The Angel Next Door, Marcia talks about today’s accredited investor definition, how that definition limits who can invest, and how change can get more capital into the hands of underrepresented founders. She reviews the current requirements to be an accredited investor which is mainly based on wealth and income and how the Angel Capital Association plays a role in bringing awareness of the impact of changes to the definition to our legislators.
Listen online here or get the episode anywhere you get your podcast content.
On May 17, 2023, the Angel Investor Foundation will be hosting our first silent auction at the ACA Summit of Angel Investing, benefiting AIF programming, in addition to the Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em Celebration hosted by Rick Timmins. All funds raised at this special event will go to our Foundation, having a direct impact on tomorrow’s leading innovations, products, and services.
Please support our efforts in one of two ways:
- Contribute an item for our silent auction
- Sponsor a carefully curated gift basket for $50
Your generosity will be featured on event programming, on our event registration site, and on social media. Gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN 86-1212274. We sincerely appreciate your consideration and time. To participate, or to learn more, please email Development Director Katelynne Staehnke.
Nominations Now Open: Luis Villalobos Award and the Hans Severiens Award 2023
The Hans Severiens Award: recognizing an individual’s or team of individuals’ work in advancing the field of angel investing, named after the founder of the Band of Angels. The Hans Severiens Award is presented annually to recognize an individual or team of individuals’ work in advancing the field of angel investing.
The Luis Villalobos Award:recognizes the most ingenious and innovative ideas recently financed by members of the Angel Capital Association. Two category winners will be selected to attend the ACA Summit and honored live and throughout the event. The award is presented to the winning CEOs during the annual awards ceremony at the 2023 ACA Summit (May 16-18, 2023).
Go online to learn more about the incredible work of Luis Villalobos and Hans Severiens or for information and forms on how to nominate your portfolio company or angel leader. If you have further questions, please reach out to Membership Director, Sarah Dickey.
Looking Ahead: Upcoming ACA Events
Ann and Bill Payne’s ACA Angel University will continue to deliver its high quality angel investor curriculum in a convenient, virtual format. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from experienced angels with decades of experience in navigating the ups and downs of private markets.
Participants who complete the first six courses will earn the Basics of Angel Investing Certificate. Participants who complete all nine courses will earn the Advanced Angel Investing certificate. Certificates of completion with professional angel investing training hours will be awarded upon program completion.
NEW! Revenue-Based Financing: Sharing Lessons Learned
Wednesday, March 8, 2023 12:00-1:00pm ET
Free to ACA Members
$100 Non Members
Do Angel Investors Always Have to Purchase Equity?
Former ACA board member Kevin Learned and his partners decided to pilot revenue-based capital as an alternative to typical equity. Now in their fourth year, Sage Growth Capital provides capital to early-stage companies in exchange for a small share of their revenue until Sage has received an agreed upon return. Kevin will discuss the Sage experience, including how deploying this type of capital may leverage the angels’ equity investments.
Thank You to ACA Business Partners
As we enter a new calendar year, ACA would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank all our partners for their dedication and commitment to our growing community. These partners offer myriad products and services that can aid in the investor journey be it by group or individual. We hope you will take the opportunity to consider all the possibilities and engage directly with those partners who provide solutions that align with your needs.
If you’re interested in sponsoring ACA annually or for the Summit of Angel Investing, please reach out to Partnerships Director Damien Delgado.
Connect with ACA
Angel Capital Association10977 Granada Lane, Suite 103Overland Park, KS 66221Unsubscribe peter.hovis@gmail.comUpdate Profile | Constant Contact Data NoticeSent by