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The ACA Summit in 2023

The ACA Summit in 2023 is moving west to Vegas! Join us for three days of quality content, interactive discussions and vibrant networking to elevate your angel investing experience. Whether you are a new or experienced investor, angel group leader or part of the broader community supporting entrepreneurs and early stage investments, you’ll learn the latest on trending topics and meet new people, all to help improve your outcomes.
Inspiring Speakers and All New Topics
Our all-star lineup of speakers will kick off informative and interactive discussions to help you reach new heights. The welcome reception, breakout sessions, and networking breaks are designed for maximum engagement to make more connections.
  • Hot Industries
  • Ecosystem Partnerships
  • New Perspectives
  • Better Basics
  • Networking, Pitches & Dealflow
Wednesday, February 22, 12:00-1:00pm ET
Free to ACA Members
$100 Non Members
Come listen to your fellow angels and startup CEOs discuss climate tech investment opportunities enhanced by the Inflation Reduction Act.
The webinar will cover the following topics:
  • Climate Tech funding in the Inflation Reduction Act
  • How Angels can benefit from the IRA
  • How Startups can benefit from the IRA
ACA’s Innovation Funders Showcase (IFS) is like no other. This is not your traditional pitch event. The ACA community represents the most comprehensive investment segment of the early stage asset class with 250 Angel Groups representing more than 15,000 accredited investors. In a typical ACA Summit, investor representation exceeds 50% of our total group population.
This means that investors are in attendance not only to make personal investment decisions, but also to bring the next hot commodity back to their home angel group for further investment consideration. We regularly see groups that received IFS exposure still getting screening invites from ACA member groups 12+ months after their initial pitch. ACA offers an incredibly efficient and economical path to capital that can pay dividends for months following the presentation.
Please reach out to Partnerships Director Damien Delgado to get started!
Ann and Bill Payne’s ACA Angel University will continue to deliver its high quality angel investor curriculum in a convenient, virtual format. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from experienced angels with decades of experience in navigating the ups and downs of private markets.
Participants who complete the first six courses will earn the Basics of Angel Investing Certificate. Participants who complete all nine courses will earn the Advanced Angel Investing certificate. Certificates of completion with professional angel investing training hours will be awarded upon program completion.
Angel Investing Deeper Dive:
Wednesday, March 8, 12:00-1:00pm ET
Free to ACA Members
$100 Non Members
Do Angel Investors Always Have to Purchase Equity?
Former ACA board member Kevin Learned and his partners decided to pilot revenue-based capital as an alternative to typical equity. Now in their fourth year, Sage Growth Capital provides capital to early-stage companies in exchange for a small share of their revenue until Sage has received an agreed upon return. Kevin will discuss the Sage experience, including how deploying this type of capital may leverage the angels’ equity investments. Dr. Learned served on the ACA board from 2016-2022 and was the founding chair of the ACA Education Committee. After twenty plus years of angel investing, he decided he had “aged out” of traditional angel equity but wanted to stay involved in the early-stage capital ecosystem. He is chair of the ACA community of interest on revenue-based investing, and will be presenting a session on the topic at the Summit.
Are you dealing with a current investing dilemma? Want to engage in dialogue with others who are on the Angel Investing Journey? Tune in and be inspired by the real-world angel investing experience of some of the poisoners of the asset class! We will be talking about some of your most requested topics like Do Angels really see a return on their investment? How long does it take?
As an ACA Member, you are invited to attend the entire 1 hour virtual session where we will spend the first half talking and listening to our guest panelists and the last half in dialogue during Q/A with our members. *Members may invite a guest to attend the first half. Only ACA members are allowed to stay for the Q/A.
  • March 9 – Announcing Liquidity Events: Join us to hear our Fellow ACA members announce their recent (past 5 years) liquidity events. You’ll learn about different types of liquidity events, how long these investments took to yield a return, whether it was a QSBS exemption and more. Feel free to invite a friend to attend the first 30 minutes. Only ACA Members can participate in the Q/A after the announcements.
  • June 1 – How I Did It!: Join us for a deeper dive into the liquidity event. You’ll hear an entrepreneur and one of their investor talk about the process of finding a pathway to exit. How did they find a buyer or get through the IPO process for example. Feel free to invite a friend to attend the first 30 minutes. Only ACA Members can participate in the Q/A after the presentation.
  • September 14 – Open to Member Suggestions (will inquire during the March and June sessions)
  • November 9 – Open to Member Suggestions (will inquire during the March and June sessions)
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