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Democratic Values PAC

Democratic Values is dedicated to supporting candidates who stand strong on their Democratic principles and stand up to the MAGA far-right extremists tearing apart our country. If you really want to receive only our most urgent emails, click here. If you’d like to stop receiving these messages, you may unsubscribe.

Democratic Values


As we send you this email, there remains a huge backlog in the U.S. Senate of President Biden’s judicial nominees.

After President Trump DECIMATED our courts with largely unqualified extremists, we need to fill as many open federal court seats with President Biden’s nominees as possible.

CLICK HERE TO SIGN: Will you add your name to this urgent petition calling on the Senate to quickly fill all remaining federal judicial vacancies?

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We need you now more than ever,

Democratic Values


Paid for by Democratic Values PAC


Democratic Values PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States

If you wish to donate by check, please make a check payable to “Democratic Values PAC” and mail it to PO BOX 15320 WASHINGTON, DC 20003

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