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[TRENDING] Biden’s ‘Fiscal Dementia’ + Supreme Court Leaker at Large

Here’s what’s trending this week at the Sun:

“One of the worst breaches of trust” in the history of the Supreme Court is unsolved and Biden’s comments about “fiscal dementia” thwart bipartisan progress. If you’ve run out of free articles, get unlimited access to The New York Sun’s groundbreaking coverage and authoritative commentary.

And for a limited time, you can get FREE in-person or online access to the Sun’s upcoming event with Mike Pompeo in New York City. By subscribing now, you can also get 50% off an annual subscription and a free copy of Sec. Pompeo’s new book. Don’t wait!

Supreme Court Leaker At Large
by A.R. Hoffman
Arizona’s New Democratic Governor Seeks To Roll Back Nation’s Most Ambitious School Choice Program
by Raina Raskin
Biden’s Fiscal Dementia
by Lawrence Kudlow
Could Nixon Catch-22 Backfire on Biden?
by The New York Sun
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Ben Friedmann
Chief Membership Officer
The New York Sun
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