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Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

The MCSF community has made a life-changing impact on the children of Marines. Thank you.


We’re so proud of what we were able to accomplish in 2022 by working together.

Thanks to patriotic supporters like you, last year we were able to award thousands of scholarships to the children of Marines and Sailors that served with Marines — giving them a brighter future in honor of their parents’ service and sacrifice to this great country.

Here’s a look at some of the incredible accomplishments our community has made possible:

The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation was recently named the 2022 Scholarship Provider of the Year by the National Scholarship Providers Association (NSPA).

This award is a tribute to this community and your powerful commitment to Marine families. It is given to “providers that leverage their unique resources to strengthen college access and success, advance industry or professional performance, kickstart innovation and improve conditions in their community and beyond.”

We are honored to accept this meaningful award. Read more here.

Fred Smith, the founder and chairman of FedEx and a Marine Corps veteran, made a $65 million gift to benefit the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation — the largest contribution in our history.

The Scholarship Foundation awards about 2,600 scholarships annually but estimates more than 24,000 eligible children of Marines and Sailors that served with Marines. The sizeable gift from Mr. Smith will enable MCSF to cover the costs of more than 100 additional scholarships in the next academic year alone.

Learn more about what this gift means for the MCSF community.

For nearly 250 years now, Marines have shown Honor, Courage and Commitment to meet the challenges our great Nation has faced. We know we can never repay them for their service and sacrifice.

What we can do is make sure their children have access to education and a bright future. So, as we begin 2023 and look ahead to a new pool of scholarship applicants, we thank you for all you do to help ensure that no eligible Marine family gets left behind in the new year.

Semper Fidelis,
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation

Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation | 2023 All rights reserved.
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation is the Nation’s oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military children, with particular attention given to those whose parent has been killed or wounded in combat, or who have demonstrated financial need.
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