Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Urgent: 50+ puppy mill rescues are arriving soon

These survivors need your help
PETER, we’re in the Midwest right now rescuing more than 50 puppy mill survivors. Scared and neglected, these new arrivals will need immediate veterinary evaluations, bedding, and love when we return to campus later this week. Can you make an urgent gift to help?

We’re working alongside National Mill Dog Rescue to save these innocent dogs and puppies from a living nightmare. Commercial breeding facilities are completely inhumane – dozens of dogs crammed together in dark, filthy cages, deprived of basic needs like grooming and medical care. All too often, the animals we rescue are severely dehydrated and malnourished… and very frightened.

We’re not sure yet what kind of specialized care they may need. But we do know we’ll do whatever it takes to get them adopted into safe and loving homes.

Please make an emergency gift to North Shore Animal League America right away so we can provide the care and preparation they need for adoption.

Your gift helps these puppy mill survivors find loving homes!
Your support for our no-kill mission enables us to travel to rescue animals like these, nurture them, and help them find loving homes.

And with your urgent donation today, you can provide these dogs with what’s sadly their very first experience of warm bedding, medical care, and the attention and love they desperately deserve.

These poor pups still have a ways to go before they recover from this trauma – and any health concerns they may be experiencing – before they can be ready for adoption. They’ll be with us for quite some time, but with your help we can be there for them every step of the way.

Thank you in advance for your compassion and support,
Karla Agostinello
Rescue Manager
North Shore Animal League America
P.S. With this many pups coming in, our resources will be stretched to the limit. Please rush an emergency gift today to help us provide every single one of these abused animals with shelter and medical treatment – and most importantly, find them the loving homes they deserve.
82 cents of every dollar spent goes directly
to animal program services.
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© 2022 North Shore Animal League America. All rights reserved.
25 Davis Ave, Port Washington, NY 11050

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