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Brazilian Harvest Music Showcase | Bebel Sings Young | Ariani Friedl

November 3, 2022 ………………..Music, Travel, Friends & Fun! ………………..View as Webpage
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This Week’s Top Story
Brazilian Harvest Music Showcase
Autumn does its best to hang on to summer before giving way to winter all too soon. 2022 has been a ‘bumper crop’ year for great Brazilian tunes…
Feijoada’s Savory Story
Delicious, hearty, and satisfying. The story behind this Brazilian stew is as culturally rich as the simmering aromas filling your kitchen. Discover its origins.
Brazilian Warmth With A Jazzy Big Band Vibe
Fans met Antonio Adolfo when Sergio Mendes and Brasil ‘66 turned his song ‘Pretty World’ into a global hit. The hits keep coming for this Brazilian pianist.
Bebel Gilberto’s ‘Harvet Moon’
Tucked into Gilberto’s 2014 album Tudo is an autumnal delight. It’s a warm, cozy Bossa Nova cover of a Neil Young song from 30 years ago which Bebel remakes into her own.
MOSTRA’s Ariani Friedl Honored
The founder of Chicago’s Brazilian Film Festival has been awarded Brazil’s esteemed Order of Rio Branco. Other recipients are Gilberto Gil and Pele.
November’s Musical Birthdays
…include the birth of Samba, Lani Hall, Brazil’s first pop songwriter, Carlinhos Brown (pictured), Bossa Nova’s debut at Carnegie Hall, a trio of MPB stars…
The Brilliance of Joao Bosco
Begins Sunday: Masterful at his craft as a songwriter and modern-day troubadour, Joao Bosco brings us a playlist of fan favorites.
Listen Live
Broadcast date: November 6 – 13
On-Demand through November 20
Streaming daily at 7 am, 3 pm, 6 pm, and midnight Central.
A Live365 Station
Shorter Days, Longer Nights
The end of Daylight Savings Time is here. But last year, Brazil made a semi-permanent change. It’s one we should make, too. What did Brazil do…
The Sunday Brazilian Brunch
Plan to join us for The Sunday Brazilian Brunch, or take us along! Three hours of the world’s best music!
There’s always a seat at the table for you!
Watch for our next issue on November 24th!
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