If you look at the best golfers in the world…
As you might expect, they all have different body types, builds, and swings.
But beneath the surface, they ALL have one swing secret in common.
It’s known as the “Distance Code.”
So far, this has only been shared with a handful of golfers behind the scenes. And the results will blow you away.
The average gain for people who have harnessed the power of this secret was 27 yards.
That’s a 2-3 club difference! Instead of a 6 iron you could have an easy 8 or 9 iron into the green.
Do you think you could shoot lower scores, beat your buddies, and have more fun when you’re doing that?
This new video shows you how to use it: Go here to watch it now.
The best part? It doesn’t involve swinging harder, or rebuilding your entire swing.
The Distance Code will shock you in both its simplicity and its power.
Click here to see what I mean.
I’m confident this will be a game changer for you!
P.S. This is a HUGE teaching breakthrough and it could revolutionize the entire golf industry. My guess is that the mainstream won’t catch on for another 5-6 years.
But you can be among the first to know about it by going here now.