A birddogs Boys Halloween RJ Hamster 2 years ago A BIRDDOGS BOYS HALLOWEEN: GHOST HUNTING IN NYC Sam found it a bit distracting that Karl kept blasting the Ghostbusters theme song every time they entered a house. Karl decided that if they wanted to be taken seriously, they both needed to dress the part. Sam purchased a leather duster and Karl got himself a leather halter top with nippers. They both looked tight. Sam was pretty shaken up after he had an encounter with a ghostly apparition. While inspecting their last house, Sam felt a spirit’s presence when a rush of cold air blew right past him. He then felt a second rush of hot air that definitely came from Karl’s butt cheeks. Cut the line and get a text when new styles arrive. Text “DANGUS” to (332) 244-0333. No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. birddogs 520 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10022 Share this:Print