Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Healthy Halloween Desserts For Your Sweet Tooth

Hey there, can you believe Halloween is almost here?!

…and if you have a sweet tooth like me, this can be a challenging time of the year to lay off all the delicious candy and other tasty treats.

Which is why we put together these awesome Halloween Protein-Packed Dessert recipes to help satisfy that sweet tooth … without wrecking your nutrition plan this Halloween!

These dessert recipes are absolutely delicious, super easy & convenient to make, and created with your health & fitness goals in mind!

I’m excited for you to whip them up for yourself and enjoy them this Halloween, or any time after that … I’ll be right there with ya! 😃

Check Out The Recipes
That said, if you have any questions about your nutrition plan or any other healthy recipe ideas…

Reach out and let us know by replying right back to this email, or giving us a call at 1-800-409-9732…

…and one of our NASM Certified Personal Trainers & Fitness Nutrition Specialists right here at 1st Phorm HQ in St. Louis, MO will help you get the answers you need!


– Will

NASM CPT Certified Personal Trainer
NASM CNC Certified Nutrition Coach
NASM FNS Fitness Nutrition Specialist
NASM WLS Weight Loss Specialist
NASM BCS Behavioral Change Specialist
NASM VCS Virtual Coaching Specialist
CrossFit Level-1 Trainer

P.S. Be sure to bookmark the page, so you can come back to it later! These recipes are great any time of year!

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