Site icon Peter A. Hovis



This is it. The 4th quarter of the year is here. It’s been a great Athlete Search so far … with our 4 newest Athletes already earning their spot. But we still have 2 more 1st Phorm Athletes to select, and the anticipation around this final leg of the 2022 1st Phorm Athlete Search is growing stronger every day.

Now, this isn’t a popularity contest for who has the biggest following or the best physique. It isn’t about whether or not you have a career within the health and fitness industry, or the most likes on social media. 1st Phorm Athletes come from all facets of life, and I am here to tell you that it CAN be you!

Setting out to make a real impact on others is what we believe in. Encouraging those around you to become the healthiest version of themselves while leading by example and becoming the best version of yourself … is exactly what we look for. We’re looking for people who truly care about others and helping them change their lives for the better! These are the people living by our core values and are ultimately the BEST representation of our brand.

I wanted to send this over today, because the next (and final) 2 winners chosen as 1st Phorm Athletes this year will each receive a $25,000 multi-year contract as fully sponsored athletes. Don’t miss your opportunity!

The perks of becoming a Sponsored Athlete are just the beginning. If you’re selected, you’ll get to join us here in St. Louis for Athlete Weekends, special trips, and exclusive events only 1st Phorm Athletes can attend. Don’t forget about the FREE Athlete Stacks each month!

If you are ready to join us on our journey, and let us become a part of yours, enter the 1st Phorm Athlete Search today. We are fully committed to our mission of helping REAL people get REAL and long-term results, and we want people like you to join us in furthering that mission. Show us why YOU should be the next 1st Phorm Athlete!

Don’t forget, we are here to help you with anything you may need! If you have any questions, simply reply to this message and our team here at 1st Phorm HQ in St. Louis, Missouri will be happy to help you out!

Make an IMPACT this week!


— Rick







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