The family is the cornerstone and the foundation of our society. Today, the most pressing domestic issue confronting the future of our country is the disintegration of the traditional family as result of leftists pushing their radical, family-destroying agenda. Thankfully, not everyone in Congress supports this destructive agenda and I’m proud to say this week the American Family Action Network recognized me as one of only fifteen members of Congress with a 100% pro-family voting record.
Gosar Sponsors Resolution Condemning Persecution of Christians
Religion and its moral basis are fundamental to the success of our republic, which was recognized by our Founding Fathers, including John Adams who stated that “our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” Unfortunately, hostility towards Christians and individuals of faith in the United States is prevalent in modern American culture and governmental institutions.
Bakers, photographers, florists, and other artists have been subject to legal action because of their sincerely held religious beliefs on marriage, sexuality, and gender. Social media platforms have censored Christians and individuals of faith for expressing their religious beliefs. Christians have been suspended from school, suspended from their jobs, and fired from their jobs because of their religious beliefs. Christians have been targeted for praying in public schools and public meetings. Shockingly, Christian students have been told by public school teachers that they may not read the Bible during class reading time.The Reverend Franklin Graham recently stated that “hostility toward Christians in the United States is on the rise and will grow unless we stand up for our freedoms of religion and conscience.” The growing hostility of Christians in the United States is a problem Congress needs to address. In response, this week I cosponsored H. Res. 1416, legislation condemning the growing hostility towards Christians and individuals of faith in the United States while opposing the advancement of sexual orientation and gender identity laws, regulations, and policies that suppress Americans’ ability to freely exercise their religion.
I have been a life-long supporter of the Second Amendment and responsible gun ownership and this week, nearly 100 people attended my Second Amendment Roundtable in Buckeye. Our Founding Fathers ensured gun ownership in the Bill of Rights, making the right to defend one’s freedom from oppressive government uniquely American. The Constitution states, “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Unfortunately, the Biden administration is engaged in an unprecedented assault on the Second Amendment and their actions represent the greatest expansion of government infringing upon the rights of law-abiding gun owners in the United States. If Mr. Biden were serious about violent crime, he would be funding our police officers and rebuking Soros-funded district attorneys for aiding and abetting violent criminals. The millions of law-abiding gun owners should not be punished for the transgressions of the violent minority.
The Second Amendment is there to ensure law-abiding citizens have the ability to defend themselves and their property. We must remain vigilant and enforce all our Constitutional rights, not simply pick and choose the ones we like.
Our fundamental and inherent rights are not dependent upon which president, or which Congress, is in office. So long as I am in Congress, I will always fight to protect the Second Amendment. I would like to thank our distinguished panelists and guests for coming out to Buckeye this morning to participate in this very important Second Amendment Roundtable.
U.S. National Debt Surpassed $31 TRILLION
This week it was announced that the national debt of the United States surpassed the grim milestone of $31 trillion for the first time. Contributing to the mammoth federal debt has been the $7 trillion dollars spent by the Biden administration in the past 18 months to fund its big government socialist programs and horrific policy decisions. Unfortunately, democrats continue along their crash course to spend trillions upon trillions of dollars. They have no plan to cut wasteful spending and their out-of-control spending is unsustainable. We are already feeling the impact of record high inflation on everyday goods and services. Every American balances their checkbook and lives within their means. But not Congress or the Biden administration. High level of debt stifles economic opportunity and prosperity, making it hard for most Americans to live their version of the American Dream.
It’s Mail Time!
You know I love hearing from you and I do my best to respond to every letter I receive. Here’s a sampling of some letters I received this week:
Windy V. from Lake Havasu City wrote:
Thank you for being a true conservative representative for my district. I am asking that you do everything you can to prevent “Stop Gap Funding Bill” or any Bill that gives money to other countries. It should be AMERICA FIRST!!!! I am so fed up with sending money outside the USA and not helping USA citizens. I can hardly afford my groceries anymore. I do not pretend to understand how the inflation percentage is calculated; all I know is that my grocery bill is double since Biden has been in office. He is the most disrespectful president ever in office, just when I thought it couldn’t be worse than Obama. I purposefully do not title them with president. They don’t deserve the title, they are takers not leaders. I look forward to seeing your NO vote on this bill and pray the house and senate are taken back by the GOP
Windy—I agree. I have proposed a moratorium on all foreign aid. Not only are we in debt but we have very high taxes. In addition, our foreign aid rarely if ever benefits any of us here. Until our debt is paid and taxes are low I will not support more unnecessary wars and interventionism. I promote peace, life and prosperity.
Alberta N. from Chino Valley shares:
I’m a downwinders survivor, fought breast cancer and lymph node too. What I never could find right was the amount for all the different types. How can they find a miner’s life worth 150,000, and a cowgirl helping her Dad only 50,000. I’m so great full for the help but you can’t give back all I’ve lost, a woman’s looks breast(both), hair in really 10 years. Think they need to rethink and find it should all be equal. ALL LIVES MATTER !! Thank you for thinking of us all.
Alberta—you raise a very good point. All lives are inherently valuable and it makes no sense to provide different amounts for the same injuries. I’ve been fighting for a decade to get more compensation to Downwinders and I won’t stop until it’s done. I pray for you to heal and find peace through God.
Valerie G. from Peoria had this to say:
You are one of the FEW of our representatives that are fighting against this evil and tyrannical regime, and I thank you for your efforts! BUT what happens to all the bills and legislation you propose against it??? Do they even see the light of day?? It’s so disheartening to see so few in our government fighting for our rights and freedoms! Do your efforts get anywhere???
Dear Valerie, Good question! Sometimes my bills end up in a “package” of larger bills. Some become law or pass the House by way of amendment. I have had over 80 amendments pass. Over a dozen have been passed into law. And get this: many get copied by other members and sometimes get passed but with another name on it. Really most of my stuff has to wait until we take back the house. I was named the most effective legislator a couple years ago because of how many bills and amendments of mine passed.
Daniel B. from Prescott sends these kind words:
My wife and I enjoy your weekly email newsletter. You are the best Elected Official we have ever had from Cross Lake Maine to La Verne California. You are an added benefit to our retirement in Prescott AZ.
Daniel—thank you! I’m glad you and your wife are my constituents. It is an honor to represent you and to stand up for Arizona and America.
Tweet (Instagram) of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Tony and Kim McKennon shared this very cool photo of fog rising in the Mogollon Rim. The Mogollon Rim is a great place for outdoor recreation including hiking, biking and rock climbing. Thanks for sharing!
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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