Gosar Demands Answers from Credit Card Companies Tracking Gun Owners
Credit card companies, including Mastercard, American Express and Visa recently announced their support for implementing a new firearm-specific Merchant Category Code to track individuals who legally purchase a firearm using a credit card. This amounts to a backdoor gun registry program and violates the privacy of gun owners in America.
I oppose corporate gun control efforts or any attempt to track information of law-abiding gun owners and, in response, this week I joined 100 of my Republican colleagues in demanding answers from these credit card companies. Current federal law contains multiple restrictions on the creation of a national firearm registry and this move by credit card companies is a an effort to collude with liberal politicians to circumvent those restrictions.
Click here to read a copy of the letter sent to the CEO’s of credit card companies.
Illegal Immigration Crisis in Lilly White, Ultra Rich, Super Liberal Martha’s Vineyard
This week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis sent 50 illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard and the Lefties are losing their mind over it. Joe Biden called the move “un-American” and the White House Press Secretary stated that the lawbreakers “deserve better” than the Massachusetts vacation destination where former President Obama “summers” in a 7-bedroom, $14 million estate. One Martha’s Vineyard resident was heard complaining “at some point in time, they have to move. We don’t have housing for 50 immigrants.”
Wait, what? Joe Biden has been secretly flying illegal aliens to New York and other states in the middle of the night since last year. The Fake News refused to report on it and not a single Leftist gave a damn. But guess who did? Me! I wrote about it extensively last October in my newsletter and you can click here to read what I had to say back then.
Well, it only took 24 hours for the Wokies in Martha’s Vineyard to declare a “humanitarian crisis” because apparently the 50 lawbreakers overwhelmed the town. Massachusetts, a self-declared sanctuary state for illegal aliens, quickly deployed its National Guard to deal with the “crisis.” Crisis? Really? Come to my district in Yuma, Arizona Joe Biden and you will see what a real crisis looks like. You will see waves of thousands of illegal aliens walk across the southern border and flooding our community.
Democrats didn’t seem to care about any illegal alien until Governor DeSantis sent 50 lawbreakers to Martha’s Vineyard, home to ultra-liberal and mega-wealthy elitists. Such blatant hypocrisy. It was just last year when the town of Gila Bend, Arizona (population 2,000) and devoid of infrastructure for housing any illegal aliens, declared an emergency because Biden and the drug cartels secretly dropped off hundreds of illegal aliens in the middle of the night. In the desert. Without water. Or shelter. Biden’s decision to open the border has created a massive humanitarian crisis with hundreds dead and millions of lives disrupted.
On a side note, while many Leftists claim only the federal government can arrest, detain or deport illegal aliens, many state governors disagree. Not just Governor Abbot or Governor DeSantis, but now even the left-wing Governor of Massachusetts has used his National Guard to arrest, detain and transport illegal aliens. More and more states will be using their own state laws against trespassing or declaring states of emergency as the Biden Regime continues to promote an invasion. FIVE MILLION invaders have entered our country in just the last two years. Between 30-40 million illegal aliens are causing havoc in our country right now. See the sort here.
Inflation in Phoenix Now the Highest in the Nation
While inflation has ravaged America since 2021 as a result of the change in policies with the new administration in D.C., unfortunately these reckless policies have hit Arizona the hardest. The Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale urban area saw a 13% increase in the consumer price index (CPI) compared to the same month in 2021. Arizona has a large percentage of retirees. Inflation risks severe harm to their ability to maintain their lifestyle.
I have now pending in congress a bill to eliminate taxes on social security benefits, and am soon to introduce a bill to eliminate the cap on outside income for social security recipients. If passed, this will provide substantial economic relief to social security recipients.
In my view, our efforts should focus on those who have worked hard their entire lives, paid their taxes and honored their country. Instead, the Biden Regime has unilaterally, without congressional support, attempted to discharge frivolous student loans for people who received worthless degrees at overpriced universities. Biden’s plan will erase up to $20,000 in student debt at a cost to you and me of $519 billion. Then, there is the over $80 billion being wasted in Ukraine. Shifting worthless student loan debt on to the rest of us is unfair and immoral. Sending billions to promote war between nations is immoral. Let’s deal with the inflation here in this country and help our people.
Gosar Demands Records Pertaining J6 Provocateur
This week I introduced a Resolution of Inquiry directing the Attorney General to transmit to congress copies of all records that relate to Mr. Ray Epps. In case you had not heard, multiple videos show Ray Epps repeatedly urging crowds of people in Washington, D.C. on January 5 and January 6, 2021 to go to the United States Capitol and breach the building.
Epps is the one person seen on video directing people towards the Capitol seconds before violence broke out, yet he has never been arrested or charged with any crime while more than 800 others have and countless more remained jailed.If the Department of Justice has nothing to hide and is genuinely interested in what happened on January 6, they should release every piece of information relating to Ray Epps’ involvement on that day.
Also this week, I introducing a Resolution of Inquiry directing the Secretary of the Health and Human Services to transmit to congress all records that relate to Ivermectin, a drug prescribed by doctors and shown to be a safe and effective treatment in combating COVID-19. Ivermectin has been prescribed by doctors to treat life-threatening infections has been around for 30 years.
Yet for the past two years, Ivermectin has been the subject of non-stop attacks and misinformation from the Liberal Left and Big-Pharma to suppress its effectiveness. Now, a new peer-reviewed study published by the medical journal Cureus found that regular use of Ivermectin reduced the risk of dying from COVID-19 by 92%. How many COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented had patients been prescribed Ivermectin for treatment in all stages of COVID-19? It’s long overdue for the Department of Health and Human Services turn over all records they are withholding regarding the effectiveness of this drug.
A copy of the peer-reviewed study published by the medical journal Cureus can be found by clicking here.
Gosar Tours Pharmacy in Prescott
Earlier this week I had the opportunity to tour the Costco pharmacy in Prescott. Led by Pharmacy Manager Bart Teuscher and Pharmacy Regional Supervisor Trey Fisher, the tour was very informative. From helping patients take their medications effectively and safely to providing preventative services, pharmacists help keep people healthier. Many thanks to Bart and Trey for spending the afternoon with me.
This week we mourn the loss of former Arizona Mine Inspector Joe Hart. Joe was a fourth-generation miner, and he proudly served the people of Arizona for decades as mine inspector. He will be sorely missed. Maude and my thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Speaking of Mail…It’s Mail Time!
Every day I receive hundreds of letters and I do my best to respond to each and every one of them. Here are a few I received this week.
Liedto F. from Flagstaff spews:
America deserves better than a useless piece of dogsh$t like you. If you are as a good of dentist as you are a congressman, I hope you like your dentures.
In contrast, Catherine H. from Payson gushes:
I will sorely miss losing you and your staff through redistricting next year. Your new district is lucky. In my experience you have the best and most responsive Congressional staff I’ve ever observed.
David O. from San Tan Valley shared his thoughts:
Mr. Gosar, I am an old man, but I being telling everyone for months that the GOP needs to focus in the ads, about illegals crossing (also the 35 million that are living here now), increase crime, inflation, gender ID with kids. But NO the GOP is sitting on their ass worry about comrade Joe. I thought it was only me, but then I was watching Tucker Carlson whereby he said the GOP is doing nothing. You know if they set their sights on what the people want they might win. So my suggestion to you is that you better tell these people if they to win, prove it. The people that review this email better pass this on to Mr. Gosar.
Dear David – there is a core group, including me, that fights daily and attempts to get Congress to act. Most of the members who are truly committed to the truth and the rule of law are members of the Freedom Caucus. But you and Tucker are right. There are way too many do nothing republicans. I will say with folks like Rep. Biggs, Rep. Lesko, Dr. Kelli Ward, Kari Lake, Rep. Mark Finchem, Sen. Sonny Borrelli and Rep. Leo Biasiucci, Arizona punches above its weight in terms of committed and hard-working Republicans who walk the walk.
Pam R. from Bullhead City continues to write:
Thank you for including my email on your hate mail post. I’m proud to call you out! As far as name calling goes, the treasonous traitor, your man crush, your idol was/is the biggest name caller ever. I’m sure he has a name for you, he will whip it out as soon as you quit kissing his A$$! The tolerant left is sick and tired of the right ignoring Trump’s atrocities! Thanks again for letting me speak my mind!!
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Greg Benson from Kingman, AZ just returned from a week-long raft trip in the Grand Canyon and was kind enough to share this photo.
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Anthony.foti@mail.house.gov. Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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