Agnes Chau is a Transformational Life Coach and Private Consultant. With her training in various life transforming modalities and her prior experience as an Engineering Executive, Agnes helps clients succeed in all aspects of life. Agnes enjoys helping people tap into their Divine Intelligence to identify the most effective path forward for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. She specializes in PSYCH-K®, Tong Ren tapping, and other modalities for wellbeing. Agnes has received many awards, including, Connecticut Woman of Innovation for Large Business Innovation and Leadership, the Manufacturing Institute’s STEP Ahead award, the Society of Women Engineers’ Advocating Women in Engineering Award and several patents.
Agnes is also the President and Founder of The Empowered Heart, Inc. a 501(c)(3) nonprofit She volunteers her time as a certified Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Women Empowered Instructor.
In this interview Agnes shares exclusive insight about the following topics:
1. What does it mean to empower?
2. How do we tap into our Devine intelligence?
3. How do we transform fear-based emotions into loved-based emotions?
4. How do we breathe and tap into our heart?
With Podcast host: Mark Sephton
Hope you’ll enjoy the episode!