Biden Gives Strange, Rambling Speech Attacking Americans and Implying Violence Against His Political Opponents
Earlier this week, Joe Biden gave a speech that is already considered one of the worst in American history. In his rant, he boiled with rage against Republicans and implied that all Republicans are threats to his regime and thus threats to America.
This type of speech is dangerous. His hate towards over 100 million Americans and his uncontrollable rage are a threat to our Republic and democratic process. When the Republicans retake the House, I will add this speech to the list of reasons to impeach and remove this dangerous demagogue for inciting violence, hate and intolerance. His threat to use the military against American citizens and calling 100 million Americans a “danger” to his incompetent regime is unacceptable and a threat to everyone.
Court Stops Biden and Democrats Racial Discrimination Against White Farmers
As part of the so-called American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Mr. Biden and congressional democrats enacted an unbelievable anti-White discriminatory law. The law offered loan forgiveness to farmers with outstanding loans however it expressly excluded White farmers. One would have thought that these democrats were aware of the civil rights laws and constitutional provisions that prevent racial discrimination, but they went ahead and passed a law the overtly set out to harm White farmers.
Fortunately, The America First Legal Foundation filed suit and obtained a court order stopping this law because it is blatantly illegal. The Court explained that “Government policies that classify people by race are presumptively invalid.” Stay on the lookout for more racial discrimination from democrats. This is an ongoing pattern with them.
Should the Clown General Milley Be Court Martialed?
As many of you know already, I have raised serious concerns about the competency of our military leadership in Washington, D.C. To be blunt, their strategic and operational mistakes have resulted in endless wars with no victory, thousands of our soldiers dead and trillions of dollars wasted. Afghanistan was the latest humiliation, but not the first. Leaving so many Americans behind, allowing a suicide bomber to attack and kill 13 troops, giving up and surrendering over $80 billion in military equipment to the Taliban, and running away from the enemy and abandoning our airfield was repugnant to see. To top it off, out of their incompetent rage, they ended the fiasco by drone bombing an innocent man, and killing 10 other innocent civilians, including 7 children. This constitutes a war crime by any measure.
And who is responsible for this humiliating defeat? General Mark Milley, perhaps the worst military leader our country has ever had. On top of his military ineptitude, he is in large part deemed a goof-ball clown who is obsessed with transexuals, homosexuals, cross-dressing and promoting deviance in our military.
Turn now, however, to his domestic acts. He engaged in espionage type behavior where he was leaking information to the Chinese at the expense of the American people and he participated in a conspiracy to overthrow the lawful president of the United States, Donald Trump. He admitted to participating in a call with Nancy Pelosi, the purpose of which was to take away the President’s authority to control the military, including the nuclear arsenal.
Nancy Pelosi issued a statement on January 8, 2021 that said, in key part: “This morning, I spoke to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes and ordering a nuclear strike … The situation of this unhinged President could not be more dangerous, and we must do everything that we can to protect the American people from his unbalanced assault on our country and our democracy.” The fact that General Milley would engage in such a discussion, to remove powers granted by the Constitution to President Trump, based on a naked power grab by the democrats, makes Milley part of the conspiracy. At no time did he tell her the call was inappropriate. At no time did he tell her she was engaging in talk of a coup with a military leader that would subvert the civilian leadership established by law.
As noted at the time: “Any ‘safeguards’ Milley may have erected to effectively prevent Trump from exercising sole authority of nuclear launch would actually be a ‘coup’ by the standard definition,” according to Vipin Narang, a nuclear policy expert and professor at MIT.
Because this article is well-written, I am reproducing it in whole for you to see for yourself why Gen. Milley should be court-martialed:
Why Gen. Mark Milley should be court-martialed
By Chris Farrell is the Director of Investigations & Research for Judicial Watch and a former U.S. Army Counterintelligence Officer.
Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, should be subject to an Article 32 Hearing under the provisions of the Uniform Code of Military Justice for his conduct and statements as memorialized in the Bob Woodward book “Peril,” and the Aug. 8, 2022, New Yorker magazine excerpt of a forthcoming book by Susan B. Glasser and Peter Baker.
An Article 32 Hearing is the military equivalent of a civilian grand jury, and should probable cause of the commission of a crime be established, it would lead to Gen. Milley’s court-martial. The Army has an affirmative duty to maintain good order and discipline, especially with regard to senior leader misconduct.
History provides an example of a senior officer engaged in misconduct. Assistant Chief of the Army Air Service Brig. Gen. Billy Mitchell was court-martialed in 1925 for remarks to the press concerning two deadly military aviation accidents.
Mitchell made the following offending statements: “These incidents are the direct result of the incompetency, criminal negligence and almost treasonable administration of the national defense by the Navy and War Departments,” and “The bodies of my former companions in the air molder under the soil in America, and Asia, Europe and Africa, many, yes a great many, sent there directly by official stupidity.”
On Dec. 17, 1925, Mitchell was found guilty of “conduct of a nature to bring discredit upon the military service.” The court suspended Mitchell from rank, command, and duty, with the forfeiture of all pay and allowances for five years. Mitchell resigned from his commission as an Army officer on Feb. 1, 1926. Some would say that history vindicated Mitchell, with the coming of World War II. Nonetheless, Mitchell paid the price for press statements outside the scope of his authority and for his insubordination.
Gen. Milley called his communist Chinese military counterpart in October 2020 and January 2021 with unauthorized promises and assurances of advanced warnings of U.S. military intentions and actions. America learned of these contacts through the book “Peril,” authored by Mr. Woodward and Robert Costa. In the book, Gen. Milley is quoted as saying, “General Li, I want to assure you that the American government is stable and everything is going to be OK. We are not going to attack or conduct any kinetic operations against you.” And then, reportedly, Gen. Milley said this: “General Li, you and I have known each other for five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.”
Gen. Milley admitted to making the calls. A spokesman for Gen. Milley stated that Gen. Milley acted within his authority as the senior military adviser to the president and the secretary of defense, yet Gen. Milley failed to consult any civilian authority, a fact confirmed by Christopher Miller, the former acting secretary of defense, and by former President Donald Trump.
Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, a graduate of West Point and an Army officer, as well as a lawyer, congressman and former director of the CIA, described Gen. Milley’s actions: “If you had a senior military leader, who is simply an adviser, tell the Chinese Communist Party that they would get notice of an attack, this rivals anything we’ve seen in our nation’s history.”
Mr. Woodward and Mr. Costa “obtained” a copy of a call transcript between Gen. Milley and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi concerning Mr. Trump and nuclear weapons. The book provides detailed quotes from both Gen. Milley and Mrs. Pelosi. In one exchange, Mrs. Pelosi at length attacks Mr. Trump, saying “they couldn’t even stop him from an assault on the Capitol,” and that “he’s crazy. You know he’s crazy. He’s been crazy for a long time.”
“So don’t say you don’t know what his state of mind is. He’s crazy and what he did yesterday is further evidence of his craziness. But anyway, I appreciate what you said.”
Gen. Milley responds to Mrs. Pelosi, “Madam Speaker, I agree with you on everything.”
Gen. Milley obviously cooperated in some manner with Mr. Woodward. Freedom of Information Act requests for call transcripts were stonewalled by the Pentagon. Gen. Milley is hiding the information from the American people and forcing a current lawsuit in federal court to compel him to release information he selectively leaked to friendly reporters.
Mr. Baker and Ms. Glasser make clear that Gen. Milley loathed Mr. Trump and was grossly insubordinate. The authors quote Gen. Milley saying, “F—- that s—-, I’ll just fight him” [President Trump], and, “If they want to court-martial me, or put me in prison, have at it. But I will fight from the inside.” A general “fighting from the inside” against the president is the very definition of subversion.
Gen. Milley must be held to account for his conduct and selectively leaked statements. His conduct goes far beyond the controversy of the Mitchell court-martial. Mitchell pales by comparison. His reported actions, if true, are the most egregious examples of treasonous subversion by a commissioned officer of the United States since Maj. Gen. Benedict Arnold.
Parents Deserve a Voice in Their Children’s Education
The woke Teachers’ union seeks to indoctrinate school children with Critical Race Theory, radical gender theory and anti-American woke ideologies. The Biden administration has targeted parents speaking out by directing Attorney General Merrick Garland to go after them for daring to have a say in their children’s education.
In response, this week I cosponsored the Empowering Parents Act, legislation affirms the rights of parents to file a lawsuit against a school if the school forces a teacher to adhere to Critical Race Theory, forces a student to observe sexual materials without the consent of the parents, affirms a pronoun change without obtaining consent from the parents of the child or neglects to report sexual assault or sexual harassment on school property to appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Teachers’ unions cannot be allowed to indoctrinate our kids in the classroom. The Empowering Parents Act will help hold schools accountable and prevent further propagation of woke ideologies.
Gosar Demands Justice for Anti-Christian Crimes
Religious freedom is under attack in the United States. Did you know that since May of 2020, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has counted at least 160 hate crimes against the Catholic Church across thirty-seven states. As a result, millions of Christians are under assault for merely exercising their constitutional right to freely practice their religion.
In response, this week I sent a letter to Attorney General Garland calling on the Department of Justice to bring justice to the anti-Catholic criminals running rampant across America.
Our nation was founded on the principle of religious freedom, but this basic tenet of our system is being debased as Catholic parishes are vandalized across the country. Such anti-Catholic violence includes arson, destruction of Church property, and the defacing of gravestones with swastikas and anti-Catholic slurs. Yet Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) has failed to address the over one hundred crimes against Christian holy sites in America. Instead, Attorney General Merrick Garland has persecuted Americans for speaking out at school board meetings and harassed peaceful protestors by investigating them for domestic terrorism. At the same time, the DOJ ignored blatant acts of violence committed by groups such as Antifa.
Americans are watching in horror as the DOJ fails to respond to the violence threatening religious freedom across the country and are wondering why certain criminals seem to always avoid being arrested.The principle of religious freedom is woven into the fabric of what makes America great. No American should live in fear of practicing their religion and no religion should be subject to attack in this land of the free.
Did You Know? The Only Mail Still Delivered by Mule-train is in Arizona?
We are all used to fast delivery these days—email is almost instantaneous, and mail and packages can be delivered overnight. But there is still one part of America where the mail is delivered old school—by mule train. The last official mail-by-mule route in the country is in Arizona and the mules carry mail, food, and supplies down a nine-mile trail to the Havasupai Reservation at the bottom of the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
Since the 1930’s, mules have been carrying mail and goods to the Havasupai people. Here are some interesting facts about mule-carried mail:
10-22 mules are used five days a week, traveling nine miles down into the canyon to the Supai Post Office.
It takes three hours to get down and five hours to get back up.
On the way back up, a wrangler normally untethers the mules and sends them back up on their own.
Each mule can carry up to 200 pounds.
The Supai Post Office has a special Mule Train postmark.
Speaking of Mail…It’s Mail Time!
Last month I received over 7,100 letters from constituents. I love hearing from you. I want to share with you some of the letters I get that I think you might appreciate:
Mrs. Yecenia B. in Tucson writes:
As an Hispanic woman, legal immigrant and citizen, I ask you on behalf of my family to stop the illegal immigration “business” that is happening on the border with Mexico. Illegal immigration destroys a human being’s dignity. I live in Tucson, Arizona where shelters are already full and there are not even apartments available for rent. Why bring more people to this country when we cannot even take care of the homeless population that we already have? Also, not only are there cartels camping on the border, but also crime has increased exponentially in our city. It is time to put aside political interests and show humanity. It is time to do something about it and not keep denying the tragedy that is happening on the border, in our cities and around the nation. Thank you.
Dear Yecenia, I could not have said it better myself. I have heard from thousands of legal immigrants over the years with this same concern. That is why I have fought for years to close the border and stop illegal immigration, deport illegal aliens, and while doing so, enact a moratorium on immigration until the emergency is under control.
Don F. from Lake Havasu City (a great town, if you haven’t been there you should go) shared the following:
My forecast: Biteme, Garland & Fibi’s will bring suit against President Trump but will stall its execution until after the midterm’s in order to keep doubt about Trump’s guilt. Let’s see if I’m right. P.S. My wife & I are already subscribers to your newsletter & enjoy it immensely.
Don, I can’t disagree. The democrat-controlled FBI has engaged in abuse, misinformation and election interference against President Trump since 2015. I am on record supporting a complete termination of the FBI. We can start from scratch, but at this point, the FBI are shock troops and political operatives for the democrats. Keep reading my newsletter!
Ms. Denise B. from Lake Havasu writes:
I love my country very much. I was angry that our President during his speech threatened MAGA followers for causing the strain on democracy. Why is it always the fault of the MAGA followers? The President spewed out hatred. Its everyone in Washington that is causing this division. Come together to fix the problems causing this division and unify America again. I believe in Making America Great Again. I think all of you can do it. Take a stand on behalf of all Americans. This was reprehensible that our President would threaten Americans. I have always believed in respecting the sitting President even if I may not have voted for them. With what the President said today has torn away my respect for him.
Dear Denise, the Biden speech was appalling. It was hate speech in its purest form, very divisive, and Biden and his cabinet present a clear and present danger to our Republic. It is past time to remove them from office. He threatened civil war against his own people. If Republicans retake the House, there will be impeachment proceedings against this usurper. While it is easy to see he questions his own legitimacy, his projection of violence and threats against 100 million taxpaying law-abiding Americans was despicable, dangerous and pure demagoguery.
Captain Suggs from Gold Canyon writes:
Dear Congressman Gosar, I completely respect what you do as one of our few America First Congressional Reps. I wonder if you might be interested in reading a piece I wrote detailing the historic American nationalist system of economics, which completely opposes this current liberal international hegemony. If so, you can find the article at Regardless, I love what you do, keep fighting!
Dear Captain Suggs: I took the time to read your very well written, thorough and informative article on what an America First economy should be. This part resonated well:
“The American System of Economics originates with the very founding of our country; it is just as deeply entwined with our history as the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence. Alexander Hamilton’s tenure as Secretary of the Treasury under the Washington Administrations laid the groundwork for the American philosophy of economics. Hamilton realized that for the nation to be truly independent, it had to be not just militarily and territorially independent, but also economically independent.”
As you explain, a globalist economy takes wealth away from our country and impoverishes our people, our workers and our families. An America First economy is one where we focus on keeping our manufacturing here, to provide reliable and well paying jobs in our country, not China, Germany or Japan. I encourage the readers here to take a few minutes and read this article.
Valerie T. from Prescott writes:
I saw an article that said the WH press secretary said you and 4 other congress people were a threat to our democracy. Just want you to know I wish we had a threat like you in every county! If you are a threat than so are millions of Americans. Keep up the good work. So happy to know you are defending our Republic!!!
Dear Valerie—Funny how I and my other America First colleagues, who fight daily to uphold the Rule of Law, our Constitution and our heritage, are “threats to democracy.” What they really mean is that I am a threat to their globalist socialist plans to impoverish us, destroy our heritage, and destroy our families. The current white house press secretary is a clown.
Jerry K. in New River writes:
Thank you for fighting for America and us Americans! Make America Great and Arizona. God Bless.
Dear Jerry, it is an honor to fight for you and America. Thank you for your kind words.
Beverly B. in Apache Junction raises a good issue:
I just wanted to make sure you voted for this when it comes up. It’s refreshing to see that someone is trying to help us with social security. We should be able to receive all of the benefit.
Beverly, the idea of eliminating taxes on Social Security benefits is fantastic. If HR 8717 comes up for a vote I will definitely vote for it…especially since it is almost identical to my own bill to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits. My bill, H.R. 4453 reads in part: “Mr. Gosar introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to exclude social security benefits from gross income, and for other purposes.”
Mr. Martin T. from Buckeye writes:
Hon Congressman Gosar: Thank you for all you are doing to stop the bleeding in the economy. I wish you could get more support from the other side of the House. Here’s a scary link you might need: I’m a retired 78 year old veteran and for the first time in my life, I am seriously considering leaving the Country in which I was born. We can no longer afford America. Moving to Portugal is on my agenda.
Martin, this pains me to hear, but in light of how the democrats have wrecked our economy and our culture, it is understandable. Portugal, of course, is not just more affordable, it is a beautiful country with a beautiful culture all its own. I will stay and fight to make our country great again, but no one will blame you for seeking the comfort of a country whose government has not been overtaken by lunatics and maniacs bent on our destruction.
Rich H. in Flagstaff has a very nice letter:
Dear Congressman Gosar,
Thank you for the excellent update on your recent activities in Congress and all over Arizona. It is so refreshing to see all the effort you tirelessly expend to fight for all Americans and your Arizona constituents.
In recent times, Americans are so overwhelmed with daily news of fiscal irresponsibility, unfairness, collusion and injustice being metered out by this administration and their swampy conspirators that we lose sight of the greatness of the land we inhabit and the unique Constitutional Republic we possess. Thanks to you and a few other honest statesmen, preservation of core American values will endure.
I am proud to say I knew you before you became a superhero in the fight for America. Thank you for all you have done, and Godspeed in all you plan to do.
Rich—thank you very much. I won’t stop fighting. There is too much at stake. Your kind words mean a lot to me.
John S. in Prescott writes:
It seems that teachers in some school districts are still pushing transgender education in very young students. First of all, I believe that it should be a federal law that on sex changing operations not be allowed on anyone under the age of 18. Second: No classes on transgender education should be taught until the 11th grade in high school. Kids below those ages just do not know about life to be indoctrinated into the life of transsexuals. Are these people afraid that there are not enough of them around so they go out and recruit young kids? Third: I feel there should be a federal law that no boys or men be allowed to compete in girl’s sports. It is unfair competion for a boy or man to compete against women. This will destroy women’s sports. I feel men do this because they cannot compete and win against men.
Thanks for all the great things you do for your district and the country.
John, I too stand against genital mutilation and chemical castration of our children. I would support a law that would revoke the license of any medical professional who engaged in such barbarity and I would support imprisonment for them as well. This is unacceptable child abuse of our most vulnerable children. Once children reach the age of 18, they can decide if they want to mutilate their body. Not before then.
Thomas S. in Kingman writes:
The Biden edict to force vaccinations of our military is destroying our military readiness, see Sen Ron Johnsons hearings military whistle blowers info documentation. What are you doing to stopping this?
Thomas, I have sent multiple letters to the Department of Defense trying to assist soldiers who are being victimized and I have co-sponsored legislation with Marjorie Taylor Greene to eliminate these forced experimental shots. Military readiness and recruiting is at an all-time low with Biden and the incompetent clown general, Mark Milley. Milley is obsessed with homosexuals in the military, drag shows, gender pronouns and forcing young soldiers to take the shot. Under Milley, we lost a humiliating war in Afghanistan and engaged in a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan. Milley ordered the droning missile attack that killed 10 children, just after he failed to secure the airfield in Kabul that lead to the death of 13 of our soldiers. Milley also attempted to usurp President Trump, conspired with Nancy Pelosi in pre-coup talks, and he engaged in treasonous espionage by calling the Chinese communist government and telling the Chinese that he, Mark Milley, was in control of the U.S. Military and he would let the Chinese know what the military plans were before any attack. He left Americans behind. He gave the Taliban $82 billion in military equipment. He is one of the reasons they military can’t recruit. Milley is currently engaged in a war against White soldiers and says he considers White veterans to be extremists. We have had poor military leadership in the past, but Milley is perhaps the worst and should be court martialed. Milley has promoted drag shows with male homosexuals performing as women in sexual dances while on board their military ship. Our enemies are laughing at us.
Homosexual sailor dancing on board a U.S. warship for other men, with the approval of Gen. Milley.
Tweet of the Week (compliments of TRUTH Social):
Photo of the Week:
This very cool photo of the Grand Canyon was sent in by Michael and Ada Adams from Gold Canyon, Arizona. Spectacular! Thanks for sharing.
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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