Site icon Peter A. Hovis

What the FBI did


As the son of Cuban immigrants who grew up surrounded by families who fled political persecution, Joe Biden’s FBI raid on President Trump’s home looks all too familiar.

Once these radical dictators take power,first, they persecute their political opponents. Next, they target anyone who stood with their political opponents – until they lock up everyone who disagrees with them.

This is a gross abuse of power, and we have to stand together to fight back. Yesterday, I said I needed 250 patriots, but as of 11:00 AM today, we still need 116 patriots to STAND UP to the Left in the next hour:STOP THE LEFT FROM ABUSING POWER
Please, don’t let America turn into the next banana republic. We need to protect our country and its integrity. We can’t let Joe Biden and his FBI turn it into a state where we target anyone who disagrees with the president. 

We simply have to stand up to this – together. I can’t do this alone.STOP THE LEFT >>I’m begging you to stand against this,
Marco Rubio

PS – If you’d like to watch my interview on this matter with Sean Hannity last night, you can watch it here.

This is no joke. My opponent already votes with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time, and now that they are actively campaigning together, I’m starting to get nervous.

I’m starting to get nervous because I am one of the most vulnerable Republicans up for re-election this November and Pelosi knows that if the Dems defeat me, they will have full access to pass their liberal agenda.
The Filibuster will be abolished.

Speech will be censored.

And conservatives will be silenced.

What you decide to do in the next 30 seconds could very well change the course of American history. If I lose, it will be a nightmare for conservative values.

So please, can you chip in to help me fight back against Pelosi, the entire Democrat establishment, and their new MASSIVE warchest of cash?Paid for by Marco Rubio for SenatePO Box 530650
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