At Conservative Journal, we proudly stand for journalistic integrity, ethical reporting, and truth. We’re a politically conservative publication dedicated to bringing you political news and world events. We publish objective, fact-based news from the political world so you can stay up-to-date on the latest from our elected officials, election news, and more.
Like you, our team deeply values the U.S. Constitution and all the rights it affords us. We are proud members of a generation that values liberty and life. Because we’re concerned about the protection of our constitution and our American freedoms, we stay in-the-know on the latest political news and how it affects our daily lives.
If you want news from a source that cares about preserving the American dream, Conservative Journal is the place for you. We’re proud patriots who understand how important it is for you, our fellow patriots, to receive news from a trusted resource. We will always strive to bring you the most relevant news of the week.
Conservative Journal
24A Trolley Square #1250
Wilmington DE 19806-3334