The match expires TONIGHT at 11:59:59 PM EDT or when we reach the campaign total of $84,000, whichever happens first. When I checked a moment ago, we were at $67,411.
Thanks in advance for your generosity! It’s an honor to serve big-hearted people like you with a deep commitment to expanding informed and impactful giving.
All gifts received through our Matching Challenge by the deadline of 11:59:59 pm EDT, July 28, 2022, qualify for this Matching Challenge offer up to the $84,000 limit. Charity Navigator is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law, excluding the match grant amount. Click here to see our progress toward the $84,000 limit.
Kyle Gardner, CFRE (he/him) | Director of Direct Response
CHARITY NAVIGATOR | Your Guide to Intelligent Giving