BREAKING NEWS: 207,416 Illegal Aliens Cross the Border in June
Hoping no one would notice, the Biden regime, in an underhanded late Friday night news dump, released new data showing nearly 208,000 illegal aliens crossed the southern border in June, the highest number of lawbreakers crossing the border for any June on record.
Approximately four million illegals have now crossed the border since Biden took office. This includes the 3.1 million that Customs and Border Protection have apprehended and the 800,000 “gotaways” that have escaped into the U.S. undetected.
621 pounds of deadly fentanyl, or 140 million lethal doses, were seized at the border in June. Unfortunately, much of the deadly drugs make their way into other states. For example, in California this week, law enforcement officials seized one million counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl that are believed to be linked to a Mexican drug trafficking ring. It’s the largest seizure of fentanyl-laced pills ever made. Read more about it here.
Also on Friday, the Biden regime admitted what we all knew: that Border Patrol agents were falsely accused of whipping illegal aliens crossing the border last year. Remember when Kamala Harris played the race card saying the agents’ actions “reminded her of times of slavery?” All lies. More lies. Read more about it here.
Joe Biden continues to fail the American people. The border crisis grows worse every month, yet Mr. Biden continues to push his disastrous Far-Left open-border policies and has no desire to secure the southern border.
Three weeks ago, the Arizona legislature passed a $564 million border security bill that was signed into law by Governor Ducey. Yet the Governor has not acted to stop this invasion. I call on him to immediately declare a state of emergency, deploy National Guard troops to the border and finish the wall along the state’s border with Mexico.
Great Turnout at Education Roundtable in Lake Havasu
This Monday, I held a roundtable discussion in Lake Havasu and what an amazing event. We discussed the major changes in education in Arizona including Education Scholarship Account reforms for school choice, the recent Supreme Court rulings on prayer in school and state funding of religious schools.
I would like to personally thank Senator Sonny Borelli, Representative Leo Biasucci, Fatima Mu, Principal Our Lady of the Lake Catholic School, Jaime Festa-Daigle, Lake Havasu School District, Director of Student Achievement and Jeremiah Cota, Founder of the San Carlos Micro School located on the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation, for serving as panelists for this important roundtable.
I would also like to thank the nearly 75 individuals who attended and shared their views on the state of our education.
Arizona is now a national leader in school choice and as many as you know, the top 10 high schools in Arizona rank in the top 50 in the entire country.
Gosar Hosts Pro-Life Roundtable in Yuma
The recent decision by the Supreme Court overturning the immoral and unconstitutional Roe v. Wadeis a long overdue correction of an injustice that has led to the slaughter of over 63 million American babies. Finally, there are better days ahead, but Joe Biden and Leftists in Congress continue to push their radical abortion on demand until birth legislation and will not stop their quest to continue the murder of more innocent babies.
If you live in or near Yuma, please join me for an important pro-life roundtable on Tuesday, July 19th from 12:00 Noon – 2:00PM at the Community Christian Church located at 6580 US 95 in Yuma, Arizona.
Because space is limited, please RSVP to and let her know that you want to attend.
I look forward to seeing you!
Major Court Victory for Pro-Life Employee Flight Attendant
In related news, this week a Dallas jury returned a verdict in favor of a pro-life Christian employee, Charlene Carter by awarding her $5.1 million in compensation for religious discrimination against her.
Mrs. Carter, a flight attendant, sued a leftist union, the Transport Workers Union of America Local 556, who was supposed to represent her in employment disputes. Ms. Carter sent a message to Southwest Airlines president protesting the union’s decision to use union dues to fly people to a pro-abortion march in Washington, D.C. in 2017. The airline fired her for her protected religious speech, and the union refused to help her.
As a result, she sued for religious discrimination and wrongful termination. And this week she won. The case in Carter v. Transportation Workers Union, N.D. Tex No. 3:17-cv-02278 and the verdict came down on July 14, 2022.
God speed, Mrs. Carter. Keep fighting for what is right.
Gosar Votes in Favor of PACT Act to Support Veterans
This week, Ivoted in favor of S. 3373, the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022, better known as the PACT Act.
The PACT Act allows veterans exposed to burn pits or other dangerous toxins during their service to our nation to receive the healthcare benefits they are entitled to through the Department of Veterans Affairs.
I am proud to have voted to support this bipartisan legislation that provides much needed improvements to the access to care and benefits for generations of deserving veterans and their families throughout my district suffering from potentially deadly toxic exposure.
Bidenflation Soars to 9.1%, Highest Level in 40+ Years
This week, the Biden regime announced that Bidenflation hit a new 40-year high. Since taking office, Joe Biden has presided over the largest inflation crisis since the 1970s – capped off with staggering 9.1% inflation rate, the highest in four decades.
According to the Joint Economic Committee, Bidenflation is costing the average American family more than $8,600 this year. In June alone, inflation cost the typical household an extra $718. And while Joe Biden insists everything is great, 82% of Americans say their wages have not kept pace with Bidenflation.
In a year and half, Joe Biden has wrecked our great economy. Inflation was just 1.4% in January 2021, the last month President Trump was in office. Now, because of Joe Biden’s irresponsible multi-trillion-dollar spending increases and anti-growth policies, inflation has risen every month since Biden has been in office.
In a recent Monmouth poll, Americans were asked about the biggest concern facing their family, and the top four answers were some version of “inflation” or “the economy.” It’s not a mystery why: As prices have gone up across the board, your paycheck isn’t going as far. Real average hourly earnings, which are wages that adjust for inflation, are declining at their fastest pace in 40 years.
The increased costs are daunting, but this only assumes you can find these items on grocery stores shelves. Many of my constituents continue to struggle with supply chain disruptions and shortages. Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to blame Putin rather than take responsibility for his failed policies that are really to blame for this record high inflation.
I Told You So!
You may recall my strong objections and efforts to stop then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton from selling our uranium stockpile to the Russians. Well, she didn’t listen, and the Russians bought our uranium. Since then, the Leftist radicals, led by Congressman Raul Grijalva, have all but stopped uranium mining in Arizona. With that in mind, click here and read this article and ask yourself why Hillary and Raul would sell out the U.S. like this?
Trust the Experts? What Experts?
The democrat Leftists constantly tell us to “trust the experts.” The “experts” said lockdown our economy for COVID, which caused massive business failures, mental illness, school children not socializing, and now supply chain problems previously known only in communist countries. Would any of us have thought we would have a shortage of baby formula, toilet paper, building supplies, appliances, cars and on and on?
The head of the most important monetary regulatory body, the Federal Reserve, is supposed to be the smartest money person in our country. But the current head of the Federal Reserve is Janet Yellen, who admitted she was incompetent. A year ago, she claimed there was no inflation, and that inflation was “a small risk,” even though there was inflation even then. Then she claimed inflation was “transitory” or temporary. Now, with inflation at a 40 year high of 9.1%, Yellen told CNN “I think I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take.” Then, to cap it off, she admitted she “didn’t fully understand” inflation and the economy.
The head of the Federal Reserve admitted she “didn’t fully understand” how money works? This is not an “expert” this is a clown. She, and the Biden regime, have greatly harmed our country. Ms. Yellen should be removed from her position in shame and disgrace and somebody competent should be appointed.
Other experts, like Fauci, told us in 2020 that the COVID virus was not transmissible by respiration, only by contact. Of course, he lied. It is only transmissible by respiration, and not contact. Fauci also said masks were useless and people shouldn’t use them. On that he was correct, but then later he insisted on masks, and then, ridiculously like a clown, said people should wear two or more masks. We will save for another day the lies about therapeutic treatments like hydroxychloroquine, or the effectiveness of the COVID shots or their side effects. Indeed, the “experts” engaged in more disinformation than your standard conspiracy theorist.
Fauci told Congress that he never used tax money to fund “gain of function” research at the epicenter of the COVID virus, the Wuhan lab. That turned out to be a lie. For those who don’t recall, “gain of function” is a nice way of saying “we will take a virus that infects people and see if we can make it more lethal and contagious.” Why scientists engage in this research is a topic for another day, but it was later revealed our tax money in fact funded “gain of function” research.
In Sri Lanka, the government listened to “expert” leftist goofballs who said they should limit their farming and not use fertilizer or pesticides, but be totally “organic.” The President of Sri Lanka was so bamboozled by the leftist climate hoaxers, he stated that following their nationwide “organic” changes his country would be “rich.” That was only five years ago. Now, his government just fled the capitol, his house was burned down by Sri Lankan patriots and his government fled in shame as the people invaded the capitol. Why did the people do this? The farmers were going broke, and there were national food shortages because of the silly Leftist policies. The “experts” were wrong again.
“Experts” in Europe literally laughed at President Trump when he said they were too reliant on Russian gas and oil, that they should not get rid of their nuclear power plants or coal plants. That was two years ago. Today, Western Europe is on the verge of a major energy crisis. Everything Trump said is coming to pass, and the “experts” are causing high prices and shortages, rationing and brown outs. Germany, where its clown leader Angela Merkel snickered and mocked President Trump, it is now dimming its streetlights and power rationing.
We have security “experts” in Uvalde, Texas who were videotaped scrolling through their phones and washing their hands aimlessly while children were screaming for help and getting shot.
Our country used to be a proper county. It used to be great. We can be so again. I work every day to make that happen.
Gosar Participates on Zoom Call with Patriots
On Thursday I spoke by Zoom with patriots working with Look Ahead America. They had a ton of great questions about our economy, inflation, our open borders and the plans for the future if Republicans take back the House. There was also a group chat going. Here is some of it so you can follow along and I will insert a summary of my answers:
4:09 PM
Kellee Casto
4:10 PM
Paul Gosar is a Patriot!
Chapter Master Dante
4:11 PM
4:12 PM
We need more people like Paul Gosar in Congress, particularly in GA.
Chapter Master Dante
4:13 PM
Thank you, Congressman Gosar. Can you give us a positive report on anything you are experiencing in your work these days?
Kellee Casto
4:15 PM
[Gosar: I am positive we will take back the House and that Biden is a one term pres….err…occupant in the White House.]
Thank you for all your hard work, Congressman Gosar! Do you have any prayer requests?
4:16 PM
[Gosar:Pray for peace between Russia and Ukraine. I find it disturbing that most in Congress and the White House are gung ho for war and death and keep authorizing more money and arms, all the while people are getting killed daily. Normally our rule is to seek peace when there is a conflict In this case, America is strangely urging full scale war with a nuclear power. I am against this war and I hope all of you join me in prayer for peace.]
Are you willing to use the Administrative Act to defund govt agencies such as DOJ, EAC and Dept of Ed? They have been weaponized against the American People.
Chapter Master Dante
4:16 PM
[Gosar: I have led the way on these issues. I would vote to eliminate the federal dept of education. Schools are a state and local issue. The federal government got involved in the 1970’s and not coincidentally schools in America declined ever since. The current regime wants to install racist ideology in schools and hate speech and hate conduct. I will not accept that. Nor will I accept sexual grooming by pedophiles in schools, which is what the drag shows and discussions about gay sex and “gender” choices with kindergartners is.]
Any plans to rollback laws like the ACA, or NFA or just forcing recorded votes to sus out the cowards?
4:16 PM
[Gosar: I think we already know who the chickens are in Congress on our side…]
Last time Rs had control of House and Senate we did NOTHING! Do we have a plan this time to use the time given to us?
4:17 PM
[Gosar: Job one – never elect Paul Ryan to anything. Job two – maintain the pressure on House leadership to live by their America First promises.]
You’ve touched on this. Thank you for your responses. Rep. Gosar, how can we rectify the losses made in the years of the Biden admin.? We can elect “AF,” but how can we best make them do the work and hold them to account through our community organizing? (My best two-part question. LOL)
Brandon G
4:17 PM
[Gosar: Undo all of his disastrous executive orders when we get the White House back and before that, Congress can override executive orders. Every law the democrats have passed in the last two years need to be repealed. All of them. They are killing our economy and our country.]
4:18 PM
Rep. Gosar: What type of Red Wave do we need to see in Nov, in order have leverage to elect an America First speaker?
[I think if we get a 10 vote majority in the House and a one vote majority in the Senate on the conservative side it will change the entire dynamic unless the people elected are Paul Ryan-types, etc. in which case they are a waste of space and a democrat stooge.]
Thank you so much I didn’t even know what to ask! but this is great!
Kellee Casto
4:20 PM
10th Amendment!
Kellee Casto
4:21 PM
Keep up the great work, Congressman Gosar! Slow ’em down! Make ’em play by the rules! We look forward to ’22! And a RED WAVE of AF winners!
This cool photo of badgers was taken by Tommy Brown from Prescott, AZ.
Amazing photo, Tommy! Fun fact: Badgers are born blind, furred, and helpless. Their eyes open at four to six weeks.
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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