Peter A. Hovis

Painful Health Conditions

Healthy Living News
RANK IT: Most Painful Health Conditions
Rank It: Most Painful Health Conditions
According to the National Institutes of Health, Americans are in a lot of pain. Every day, nearly 26 million adults experience pain and almost 40 million report severe pain. Regardless of the level of pain, it’s important to see a doctor for help manage it.
Find out how painful certain conditions can be and vote for the ones you experience.

10 Tips for Managing Migraine Symptoms
Millions of Americans suffer from migraine headaches, and many of them will do whatever it takes to ease the pain. Here are 10 strategies of prevention and treatment.
10 Tips to Help You Sleep
Do you have trouble sleeping sometimes? This is a very common issue and people try different ways to fix the problem. Here are 10 tips to help you sleep at night.

8 Surprising Health Benefits of Garlic
Garlic is a tasty veggie many people enjoy using as an ingredient in their meals, but did you know it’s loaded with vitamins and minerals that not only taste great but are good for you?
Find out 8 benefits of garlic that may surprise you.

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