At the end of May, the Nation celebrated Memorial Day, a day of honor, remembrance, and mourning for American military personnel who died in the service of the United States. For many, the weekend was spent with family and friends and provided the opportunity to enjoy quality time with those they value most in their lives. For some, Memorial Day is significant for other reasons. On September 11th, 2001, we lost 2,977 lives; 184 of those at the Pentagon. For many, the tragic events of 9/11 propelled millions to answer the call to serve in the Armed Forces and contribute in the fight against terrorism across the globe.
The War on Terror was fought with the intention of defeating organized terrorist networks and preventing the American population from ever again having to suffer another 9/11 on the homeland. To this end, 5,449 Servicemebers were killed in action while engaged in the following Operations across Afghanistan and Iraq: Enduring Freedom, Iraqi Freedom, Inherent Resolve, New Dawn, and Freedom’s Sentinel. Although more than 20 years have passed since September 11th, 2001, the United States remains perpetually involved in the fight for the security of the nation. The Pentagon Memorial Fund and the proposed Visitor Education Center will preserve the memory of those lives lost at the Pentagon, all the victims of 9/11/2001, and the individuals who answered their Nation’s call to protect the homeland in countries afar across the globe.