Washington, D.C.—I am in Washington, D.C. today and the news broke that the Supreme Court has corrected one of its biggest mistakes. It has overruled the poorly reasoned, unjust and unconstitutional decision of Roe v. Wade. This is a blessing to America, after more than 60 million babies have been aborted since Roe was handed down.
The current state of the law since 1973 was this: due to an activist court filled with leftist judges, the court in Roe v. Wade made up, out of whole cloth, a federal right to have an abortion. Of course, there is nothing in the Constitution about abortion at all. And for hundreds of years, killing babies has been rightfully deemed murder and illegal. The activist court made up the right, as if they were a legislature.
Ever since, the left has claimed there is a right to kill babies, and good people everywhere disagreed.
Scholars over the last 50 years questioned the legal reasoning for Roe. You don’t have to go law school to know that the court can’t just make up laws. Congress makes the laws. The executive branch executes or enforces the laws. And the courts settle disputes about the law. The court in 1973 was rabidly out of control to make this decision.
Due to President Trump’s stoic leadership and appointment of key judges to the court, the court today reversed this 50-year old mistake. Millions of babies have been killed in the genocide created by Roe. We need to take a moment to reflect on the carnage and lives lost.
What is the new status? The court rightfully said that abortion is not a federal right and is not part of the federal constitution. It is a state issue. The Court explained that it overruled Roe and “returned that authority [to regulate abortions] to the people and their elected representatives.” Which is where it was for the first 200 years in this country. As explained by the Justices, the “Court finds that the right to abortion is not deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and tradition.” So now each state is free to make its own laws. States like California, controlled by leftists, will likely make abortion legal without age restrictions, including live birth abortion, or infanticide. As further explained by the Court:
Indeed, abortion had long been a crime in every single State. At common law, abortion was criminal in at least some stages of pregnancy and was regarded as unlawful and could have very serious consequences at all stages. American law followed the common law until a wave of statutory restrictions in the 1800s expanded criminal liability for abortions.
States like Arizona, I hope, will leave its abortion laws on the books. It is illegal for anyone, physicians included, to assist someone in getting an abortion in Arizona. The penalty is 2-5 years in jail. That law is still on the books in Arizona. I hope it remains and that abortions are not provided in our great state.
We are a people that see babies as our future. Everything we do today hopefully makes the world better for our children.
We do not live in a satanic death cult society that practices baby killing and infanticide. Or at least we should not live in such a society. Let us welcome life and take care of our children. God created them. They deserve to live.