On Memorial Day we commemorate our fallen soldiers. All life is precious. We should only engage in war when it is absolutely necessary to protect our borders and our people. Spreading “democracy” and “building nations” overseas is a false justification that has cost us hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of dollars.
This weekend also marks the unofficial start of summer and I want to wish everyone a meaningful Memorial Day. Unfortunately, because of Bidenflation, many Americans can’t afford to take a road trip this summer. That’s because the average price of gallon gasoline is expected to hit $4.65 this Memorial Day weekend, that’s up $135% from just two years ago when the cost of gas was just $1.94 a gallon. 70% of Americans say their summer vacation plans have changed because of the historic high gas prices. Bidenflation is now costing the average family $569 more per month on everything.
When asked about the record high gas prices this week, Joe Biden had this to say: “We are, uh, being part of this transformative automobile sector and accelerating us on the road where we’re gonna be handing, uh, to, uh, the United States in an all-electric future.” Proving once again that I was right – this in intentional malfeasance. Joe Biden wants to make gasoline so unaffordable to force Americans to “go green.” Echoing Biden, Energy Secretary Granholm noted this week that the soaring gas prices are an “exclamation point” that America must “de-carbonize” and accelerate its “green energy push.”
The truth is we need common sense energy policies. We have so much natural gas and oil that gas should be under $2 a gallon right now. The Biden Regime stopped the Keystone Pipeline, the Dakota Pipeline and cancelled oil and gas leases and drilling permits. 18 months later our economy is in turmoil and the democrats are celebrating like it’s a victory.
Evil Attacks Innocent Children
The tragic shooting of precious, innocent life in Texas is beyond heartbreaking. Pure evil struck an elementary school, ripping families apart and shocking our nation. The pain is so deep that I weep from my soul. There are no condolences great enough to overcome the grief. My heart goes out to all the families of those who lost loved ones. I mourn with all of America for those who were taken from us so soon.
Reflexively, moments after the shooting the Left blamed Republicans, including me, for the actions of this murderer. This absurd rhetoric is completely abhorrent, yet all too common from leftists quick to politicize tragedies. Not surprising, Joe Biden and most democrats used this tragedy to push for gun control suggesting that if it wasn’t for a gun, this murderer would be a well-adjusted individual. Schools remain the most unprotected institutions in America, yet democrats fail to remember they pushed legislation to defund school police protection and fought to remove armed police from schools.
In Washington, D.C. I work in Congress where we are surrounded by a large police force. There are guarded points of entry. Every time I travel to an airport there is the same: armed security and metal detectors. If members of Congress and every day travelers have this level of security, why can’t we secure our schools with single entry points and security? Don’t tell me we don’t have the money. We just sent Ukraine $62 billion (over my strong objections) and we wasted trillions of dollars in Afghanistan and Iraq “building” schools and security there. It is time we help our own people for once. It is past time.
Andrew Pollack, who lost his daughter in the horrific 2018 Parkland, Florida shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, reacted to the school shooting this week with advice to prevent further school shooting. On Tuesday night, Pollack tweeted, “Armed guard — Single point of entry — Teacher training. We send out $Billions to other countries all the time. Why not fund school safety in America?”
The truth is that America is approaching a tipping point where the values that led to its success are being attacked by those who want to radically change the nation, including the ruling class, woke corporations, the liberal media and school boards. Things are getting darker and darker in our country and the ruling class and their allies continue to talk in ways that are remarkably destructive, and our nation is paying a heavy price.
The leftists want your guns and to take away your right to self-defense. They use tragedies like this to push that unconstitutional notion all the while claiming it’s for “the children.” Like the democrat run cities, they want the people defenseless at the mercy of criminals and big government. I reject that and encourage everyone to take gun training and learn self-defense.
I support our law enforcement. But something went wrong in Texas. The reports that 19 officers waited almost an hour while a lunatic was on a shooting spree is disturbing. Whenever you hear a leftist say “Why do you need a gun? Just call the police and let them handle it” remember what happened in Texas this week. Police have rules and guidelines. Many have been intimidated by leftists for simply doing their jobs. Because of that, we are our first line of defense. As they say, when seconds matter, the police are 10 minutes away. Again, take gun training and safety classes. Our police cannot be everywhere all the time.
I have linked several good articles at the end of this newsletter that I encourage you read.
China Maneuvers in the Pacific
In latest bid to wrest control of the region, Beijing officials announced that it wants 10 small Pacific nations to endorse a sweeping agreement covering everything from security to fisheries. No doubt China is not interested in only the fish. The agreement would needlessly heighten geopolitical tensions and threaten regional stability.
The Biden Regime has failed again at foreign policy. China is essentially taking over areas that American soldiers fought and died to liberate in World War 2. These countries are looking at China because the Biden Regime has made the United States weak and feckless and an unreliable ally.
Click here to read a good article on this proposed agreement.
Nuclear Bomb Testing – the Aftermath Continues with RECA
As many of you know, the federal government tested nuclear bombs in Nevada from 1951 to 1962. People in Mohave County Arizona could, and did, watch the mushroom clouds. Many of the people who were proximate to the testing subsequently developed radiation related cancers. These people are called Downwinders.
They are entitled to $50,000 in compensation from the federal government if they get cancer related to radiation exposure. I have worked tirelessly since 2014 to get more money and to include more areas in the impacted zone.
Specifically, I have the sponsored the following bills and amendments:
Please read this article that reviews the problems.
Major Study Bombshell—Lockdowns Failed
This week, Johns Hopkins University released a metastudy that reviewed data stemming from the 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns in Europe and the United States. The study revealed that at best mortality may have been reduced by 16,000 people in the entire United States and possibly zero deaths reduced. “In comparison, there are approximately 72,000 flu deaths in Europe and 38,000 flu deaths in the United States each year.” Based on the paltry impact of lockdowns on health (and without counter weighing the massive social and economic harm the lockdowns inflicted) the study concluded “Our meta-analysis strongly suggests that lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument.”
Biden was warned seven months ago about a potential baby formula shortage. He did nothing.
If you missed my special, mid-week newsletter on Biden’s baby formula crisis, click here to get caught up quickly!
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
This wonderful photo of a rainbow over a ranch was taken by Cindy Newman from Sun City, Arizona.
Thank you, Cindy. Great Shot!
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great State to wade.searle@mail.house.gov. Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
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